创业成功人士访谈录 第72期:乔恩特克纳我们将为世界带来积极的改变(2)(在线收听

   How does the presence of alternative browsers like Mozilla and Firefox affect Opera?

  其他浏览器的存在如Mozilla和 Firefox等对Opera有何影响?
  It seems that you’d all be fighting for that audience of people open to using alternatives to Microsoft.
  There are obviously some users who go between Opera and Mozilla. They have Opera one week, Mozilla the next week, and back to Opera....
  有些用户在Opera和Mozilla之间徘徊,他们第一个星期用Opera, 下一个星期用Mozilla,然后再用Opera ……
  But we have a shared common goal: We would actually like to see open standards prevail.
  Has it helped with sites that don’t render well in Opera?
  There’s been some of that. In some cases, sadly, they fix the site for Firefox and not for Opera.
  Obviously, as our market share grows, the problem becomes less and less.
  Mozilla is struggling with this. We’ve struggled with this.
  I think they’ve gotten to a certain market share in the United States that it’s starting to help them, but there are still a number of sites that don’t work.
  You still find a lot of sites like that?
  Yeah, I don’t know why this is the case. Some of these sites are just very bad at getting things to work.
  We try to make all the major sites work with Opera, but sometimes we really have to jump through hoops to make them work.
  Typically, if there is a problem, maybe they have programmed the site around a bug in IE.
  Then they’ll change the site so it works with the IE bug and then it doesn’t work in Firefox and Opera.
  后来他们为了解决IE浏览器的漏洞,修改了网页。但这样一来,Firefox 和Opera就不能正常工作了。
  So there’s a bit of that. Then there are sites like Microsoft sites that explicitly send bad code and things like that but...