
“Thanks, Clare, you did a great job ” I call softly.
 I am surprised when she appears at the entrance to the clearing. It’s getting dark quickly and Clare looks tiny and scared in the half light.
 “Hi, Clare. Thanks for the clothes. They’re perfect, and they’ll keep me nice and warm tonight.”
 “I have to go in soon.”
 “That’s okay, it’s almost dark. Is it a school night?”
 “What’s the date?”
 “Thursday, September 29,1977.”
 “That’s very helpful. Thanks.”
 “How come you don’t know that?”
 “Well, I just got here. A few minutes ago it was Monday, March 27, 2000. It was a rainy morning and I was making toast.”
 “But you wrote it down for me.” She takes out a piece of Philip’s law office letterhead and holds it out for me. I walk to her and take it, and am interested to see the date written on it in my careful block lettering. I pause and grope for the best way to explain the vagaries of time travel to the small child who is Clare at the moment.
 “It’s like this. You know how to use a tape recorder?”
 “Okay. So you put in a tape and you play it from the beginning to the end, right?”
 “That’s how your life is. You get up in the morning and you eat breakfast and you brush your teeth and you go to school, right? You don’t get up and suddenly find yourself at school eating lunch with Helen and Ruth and then all of a sudden you’re at home getting dressed, right?”
 Clare giggles. “Right.”
 “Now for me, it’s different. Because I am a time traveler, I jump around a lot from one time to another. So it’s like if you started the tape and played it for a while but then you said Oh I want to hear that song again, so you played that song and then you went back to where you left off but you wound the tape too far ahead so you rewound it again but you still got it too far ahead. You see?”
 “Sort of.”
 “Well, it’s not the greatest analogy in the world. Basically, sometimes I get lost in time and I don’t know when I am.”
 “ What’s analogy?”
 “It’s when you try to explain something by saying it’s like another thing. For example, at the moment I am as snug as a bug in a rug in this nice sweater, and you are as pretty as a picture,