
 I run my hands over her hair and come away with a small handful of snow that melts immediately.
 “What’s wrong?” Clare takes in the untouched food, my uncheerful demeanor. “You’re sulking because there’s no mayo?”
 “Hey. Hush.” I sit down on the broken old La-Z-Boy and Clare squeezes in beside me. I put my arm around her shoulders. She puts her hand on my inner thigh. I remove it, and hold it. Her hand is cold. “Have I ever told you about my mom?”
 “No.” Clare is all ears; she’s always eager for any bits of autobiography I let drop. As the dates on the List grow few and our two years of separation loom large, Clare is secretly convinced she can find me in real time if I would only dole out a few facts. Of course, she can’t, because I won’t, and she doesn’t.
 We each eat a cookie. “Okay. Once upon a time, I had a mom. I had a dad, too, and they were very deeply in love. And they had me. And we were all pretty happy. And both of them were really terrific at their jobs, and my mother, especially, was great at what she did, and we used to travel all over, seeing the hotel rooms of the world. So it was almost Christmas—”
 “What year?”
 “The year I was six. It was the morning of Christmas Eve, and my dad was in Vienna because we were going to move there soon and he was finding us an apartment. So the idea was that Dad would fly into the airport and Mom and I would drive out and pick him up and we would all continue on to Grandma’s house for the holidays.
 “It was a gray, snowy morning and the streets were covered in sheets of ice that hadn’t been salted yet. Mom was a nervous driver. She hated expressways, hated driving to the airport, and had only agreed to do this because it made a lot of sense. We got up early, and she packed the car. I was wearing a winter coat, a knit hat, boots, jeans, a pullover sweater, underwear, wool socks that were kind of tight, and mittens. She was dressed entirely in black, which was more unusual then than it is now.”
 Clare drinks some of the milk directly from the carton. She leaves a cinnamon-colored lipstick print. “What kind of car?”
 “It was a white ‘62 Ford Fairlane.”
  妈妈的幸运星正冉冉升起,她师从贾汗·梅可、玛丽·德拉克洛瓦等等先辈,在她们细心的引领下沿着成名的道路不断前进;她演了一系列独具光芒的小角色,在抒情歌剧院演出时引起了路易·比海尔的注意,她在《阿依达》里为琳娜·魏沃莱做替角,随后又被选中主演《卡门》。其他公司也注意到了她,不久我们便开始周游世界。她为福茂录制了舒伯特,为百代录制了威尔第和魏尔⑥魏尔(Kurt Weill),德国当代作曲家。的作品。我们去伦敦,去巴黎,去柏林,去纽约。现在还留在我记忆里的就是永无止境的酒店和飞机。电视里转播了她在林肯中心的演出,我是和外公外婆一起在曼西看的,当时我六岁,瞪着黑白的小屏幕,我简直不敢相信那就是妈妈,她当时正主演《蝴蝶夫人》。