美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-04-05(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. The senate intelligence committee holds a hearing on Thursday into Russia' meddling of U.S 2016 election. The committee's top republican and democrat are pledging to steer clear of politics. 

2. At least 13 people are dead after a small bus and a pickup truck collided on a two-land highway west of San Antonio. Authorities say the pick-up swirled into a wrong lane, hitting the bus head-on. The bus was carrying senior from a church. 

3. A federal judge in Hawaii extended an order blocking president Trump's travel ban on six Muslim majority  nations. Hawaii officials say the ban discriminates against Muslims. 

4. And the South Korea court questioned the ex-president about the corruption scandal that drove her from office. It's deciding if she should be arrested. 

Shirley Smith,  the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
