
   英语口语表达中,经常碰到需要表示相反的意见,不同的看法,反对的观点的时候。需要讲话者既要用得体的措辞来充分表述自己的idea(意思),达到自己说话的目的,又要能使对方接受,不伤害对方的感情。既要用词得当,传神达意,又要避免being too abrupt(过于生硬,缺乏礼貌)。即使令人沮丧、不快的言辞,打击别人的话语,譬如说You're mistaken here.(你这里错了。)或者说You're off the point.(你离题了。)也应该尽可能地soften the blow and make it more acceptable(措辞婉转,使人能够接受)。即使我们一片诚心,用意良好,也得讲究方式方法,遣词造句,要恰到好处,再加上态度中肯,语气婉转,语调适中,听话者会很易于接受。对于直言不讳,一针见血,对方会感到难堪、窘迫、尴尬、甚至反感,结果会适得其反。但如果我们改换口气,说I'm afraid you're mistaken here.(恐怕你这里错了。)或者说I have to say you are offthe point.(我得说你离题了。)或者干脆说Well,you're mistaken here.(哎呀,你这里错了。)稍加改动,仅仅简单添加一两个词,语气就显得缓和多了,效果则明显不同,这便是说话的艺术了。所以,Honesty should be temperedwith fact.(说老实话也得讲究策略。)现将在类似场合中可能会用到的有关表示反对意见的礼貌委婉用语归纳如下:

  I'm afraid…恐怕……
  I have to say…我得说……
  In fact(As a matter of fact,Actually)...实际上;事实上……
  To be honest(To be flank,To be exact)…老实说;坦率地说;确切地说……
  Honestly speaking(,Frankly speaking)…老实讲;坦率地讲.....
  To tell you the truth…说老实话……
  Well,I don't know.哎呀,我不知道。
  Well,I don't think much of it.啊,我认为不怎么样。
  As far as I am concemed...就我而言……
  As far as I know(As far as l can see)…就我所知;就我看......
  I would rather not…我宁愿不……
  I wouldn't say(call)that.我不会那么说。
  I doubt it.我不能确定。
  I can't see how…我看不出……
  Really?(Is it?,Would they?,Was he?)真的吗?
  It all depends.那要看情况。
  I can hardly see how…我很难看出……
  I can't say I share your view.我得说我不同意你的看法。
  I understand。but I don't see the point in…我知道,但我看不出……有什么道理。
  Do you think…will work(is a good idea)?你认为……行得通吗……(是个好主意吗)?
  I see your point,(You have a point here,)but…我清楚你的意思;你说的有道理,但是……
  I prefer not to…我情愿不……
  1 wish I could,but you see…但愿我可以,但是你看……
  It's not that I don’t want to,but(it's just that)...不是我不想,而是……(只是……)
  I can't help thinking that…我不禁认为……
  That's not how I see it.我不这么看这件事情。
  I am not so sure I agree with you.恐怕我不能同意你的观点。
  That's your opinion,is it?那是你的意见,是吗?
  I am afraid that's where we have to differ.恐怕我们的意见不得不在此出现分歧。