【有声英语文学名著】英国病人 60(在线收听

  I mean, she may not be smarter than you. But isn’t it important for you to think she is smarter than you in order to fall in love? Think now. She can be obsessed by the 

Englishman because he knows more. We’re in a huge field when we talk to that guy. We don’t even know if he’s English. Hana got up and went behind him and put her arm around his neck. “Don’t do this, okay, David?” “We’ve already got one crazy talker upstairs.” “Look at us—Caravaggio went on.we sit here like the filthy rich in their filthy villas up in the filthy hills when the city gets too hot. It’s nine in the morning—the old guy upstairs is asleep. Hana’s obsessed with him. I am obsessed with the sanity of Hana, I’m obsessed with my ‘balance,’ and Kip will probably get blown up one of these days. Why? For whose sake? He’s twenty-six years old.