全网最酷美语怎么说:第1期 秀恩爱(在线收听

   Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."

  Brad:大家好,我是Brad. Hi everyone, my name is Brad
  Nick:那今天呢,我和我的朋友Brad将会来给大家讲解如何使用英语来表达"秀恩爱"这个词汇。那"秀恩爱"呢在中文中是非常常见的了,它在英文中其实可以有两种或者是更多的对应的表达。今天我们教大家的是一种叫PDA, 用于在现实生活中看到有一些秀恩爱的表达,另一种是叫mushy,待会我和Brad会来教大家来如何使用正确使用这两种这两个词. Hi Brad, I know you've learned Chinese before, right?
  Brad: Yes
  Nick: Have you heard of the phrase秀恩爱 before?
  Brad: Yes, we are actually learning about it previously in my current Chinese class
  Nick: Wow your class is so awesome
  Brad: Yeah that's pretty good
  Nick: So you know it describes the situation you see a lot of people, I mean, two people they are showing their affection, right?
  B: Right, getting a little too touchy
  Nick: Yeah so how do you describe this if it was in reality/in public?
  Brad: Oh, PDA we never say the full pronunciation of public display of affection. That takes too long and too much time. So we just say PDA. And the guidelines of that are, in America, holding hands is fine. It's accepted. Hugging is accepted. Kissing (is) not really accepted
  Nick: You mean big kisses?
  Brad: Right, like making out more than ten seconds. Dude, ten seconds is not good. Take it to a room.
  Nick:那Brad刚刚就说了,在这个in public 就是在公共场合之中,其实他个人是可以接受像拥抱啊,亲吻啊但是不是那种big kisses—我们会叫making out. 就是说如胶似漆那种亲热他是不太能接受这是一个文化啦。他说这种表达PDA一般我们是不用全称的,因为这个全称 "public display of affection"就是太长了他们说就会很费时间就直接PDA,那在这种场景你可以直接就说 "Ew, there are a lot of PDA"或者是 "Ew, PDA"那这样就足够了。同样的,我们在朋友圈大家经常用朋友圈看到很多人秀恩爱,那这种时候秀恩爱要怎么表达呢 So like in a virtual situation…
  Brad: Like the social media, like WeChat, would WeChat be one?
  Nick: Yeah WeChat, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat. Oh my god, I just saw that kind of posts in Snapchat.
  Brad: Yeah would you call it PDA, displaying affection me personally, I want to look at cars on social media. I don't care about my friends kissing other people, I don't care about that.
  Nick: So how do you describe this situation?
  Brad: That's mushy, man
  Nick: Mushy?
  Brad: Yeah, it ain't good
  Nick: Okay,那Brad刚刚就说,他personally, 自己的看法就是他比较喜欢看车,那他可能就是不会太在意这种东西,但是你可以把这种东西叫做Mushy 如果你看到这种情况下你就可以可能说你要自己跟自己说话自言自语或者跟朋友抱怨说 Oh they are so mushy, soothing like that. 那今天呢就是一个秀恩爱的表达全文内容,希望大家下次可以继续收听,我们将会讲解其他的习语 So, bye everybody.
  Nick: How did you say that again?
  Nick: Bye everybody see you next time