全网最酷美语怎么说:第10期 搞砸了(在线收听

   Nick:Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."

  Nick:今天我们来讲大一个词组是,mess up,就是我们所说的中文,搞砸了。搞砸了我们经常说,比如你是个学生,导师叫你做什么,你可能不小心做错了,没做好。比如说工作了,老板叫你做什么,你可能不小心做错了,搞砸了。这时候我们可以用mess up或者是screw up.两个都是一样的,他们是近义词。具体要怎么用呢?
  Nick:So like. Hey Brad, you know I worked for library before, right?
  Brad:Yeah, of course.
  Nick:My boss, one day, he told me like "hey, Nick, are you free right now?" I'm like, "yeah, sure." "Can you help me to like, stay here for a couple of minutes? There's gonna be a phone call coming in. All you have to do is to answer it. And then write down the phone number for me."
  Brad:Simple enough.
  Nick:I'm like, "yeah this is a piece of cake. It's not a problem for me. I'll definitely do it well." He was like "that's good. Thank you! Thanks man!" I'm like, "sure, no problem." He was right. There was a phone number, I mean, there was a phone call and I wrote down the phone number. When he came back, he was like, "do you have the phone number with you right now?" I was like, "sure. I had it." So I gave him the piece of paper with, no my phone number, but the phone number I wrote down. And then he dialed back. And later he was so mad, he told me, he was like, "Nick, what are you doin'? It's a wrong number. I gave you only one thing. How can you mess it up?!" It's so bad." I was like, "I'm so sorry, my boss. I really didn't wanna mess it up. I'm sorry. It's all my bad."
  Brad:Yeah I had a similar situation with I messed up the date of my quiz. I thought I was gonna have it on Thursday. But it turns out it was on Tuesday. And today is Wednesday. So when I message my friends, "hey, how do you feel about this quiz-there was a quiz that we'll have on Thursday." And he's like, "I think you messed something up. I found that I messed up the dates. So I'm just so, really, stupid that I to screwed up my chance to get my easy thirty points. Thirty points I totally messed up the dates.
  Nick:I'm so sorry. 我之前是说,我之前一个boss叫我去写一个电话号码。然后我把电话号码写错了。他大发雷霆,非常不爽。他说"I gave you one job",对吧,我只给了你一个工作,一件事来做,你还做错了。然后我(说)非常抱歉。Brad这个更惨。他说他星期二有考试,但是他以为是星期四考,所以他就是mess up the date。就是他搞砸了这个时间,搞错这个时间,所以他就非常惨。他的很简单的三十分就没有拿到。希望大家以后做事都认真小心一点,不要不小心搞砸了一些事情。多一份细心,事情会做的更好。So this is pretty much for this class. Ill see you guys next time. Bye