美国学生人类历史 第102期:罗马帝国的故事(12)(在线收听

   It had created a large bureaucracy-petty officials who were underpaid and who were forced to take graft in order to buy bread and clothing for their families. Worst of all, it had accustomed people to violence, to blood-shed, to a barbarous pleasure in the pain and suffering of others.

  Outwardly, the Roman state during the first century of our era was a magnificent political structure, so large that Alexander's empire became one of its minor provinces. Underneath this glory there lived millions upon millions of poor and tired human beings, toiling like ants who have built a nest underneath a heavy stone. They worked for the benefit of some one else. They shared their food with the animals of the fields. They lived in stables. They died without hope.It was the seven hundred and fifty-third year since the founding of Rome. Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus was living in the palace of the Palatine Hill, busily engaged upon the task of ruling his empire.
  从外表上看,公元1世纪的罗马帝国无疑是一个辉煌庄严的政治体,疆域辽阔,连亚历山大的帝国都变成它一个微不足道的行省。不过在其辉煌下面,生活着的却是成百上千万穷苦而疲倦的人民,终日劳碌挣扎,像在巨石下孜孜筑巢的蚂蚁。他们辛苦工作的成果为他人享受。他们吃牲畜吃的食物,住牛棚马圈一样的房子。他们在绝望中死去。斗转星移,到了罗马建国第753年。此时,裘利斯·恺撒 渥大维·奥古斯都正住在帕拉坦山的宫殿里,忙于处理国事。
  In a little village of distant Syria, Mary, the wife of Joseph the Carpenter, was tending her little boy, born in a stable of Bethlehem.
  This is a strange world.
  Before long, the palace and the stable were to meet in open combat.
  And the stable was to emerge victorious.