美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-04-26(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

France is down to two on conventional choice for the next president, the country's election left centres polictical new comer Manuel Well Macron facing right wing National Front leader Marine Le Pane runoff next month.

North Korea is threatening all outward with the US. The North Korean foreign ministry claims that the country has a powerful nuclear deter act. It accused the US of what it called Map Camp Nuclear War provocation. 

A wild fire burned thousands of bakers in South West Florida largely in conyard counting. Rainfall is helping crews contained the fire. 

And coast guard video from the Pacifc shows smugglers throwing contraband out of their small boat just before a coast guard cutter caught up with them. 

Shirley Smith, Associated Press with AP News Minute. 

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