英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0508 - 天价赔偿为何在中国行不通?(在线收听

 Topic 1-Punitive damages not practical in China

When Ms. Sun sat on the examination chair in a hospital in Shenyang, she had no idea her thigh would be pierced by a needle that was left there by a nurse accidentally. She demanded compensation worth 3 hundred thousand euros (2.27 million Yuan), but the hospital was only willing to pay 500 Yuan. Should the hospital pay more? What does the law say on punitive damages in China?
Topic 2-Made in China products need to have same quality in both international and domestic markets
Here's one obfuscation Chinese consumers can't find an answer to:
The same product made in China that's sold at home and overseas, could have a different quality. The better one could be made to be exported, therefore sold abroad. What about the lesser of the two goods? Well, it could be sold in the domestic market.
China as a manufacture powerhouse, has strived to become more than the world's workshop. Can it deliver products of equal quality for domestic and overseas consumers? What's standing in the way?
Topic 3-Selfies-did you get your best side
Some of us have made a fuss about standing on the unflattering side of someone for a photo.
While everyone else concerned wrote you off as a diva, you know that there's one cheek that's your better side when it comes to pictures.    