英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0509 - 你被开瓶费“宰”过吗?(在线收听

 Topic 1-Shanghai’s Vocational Schools Open Doors for Rural Students

A charity that furthers educational purposes in Shanghai has been recruiting rural teenagers and offering them an opportunity to study in vocational schools in the city. After graduation, they will most likely take up jobs as manual labor.
Is it a once-in-a-life-time opportunity or a form of discrimination for rural students?
Topic 2-Corkage fee, reasonable or not
Bringing a specially selected bottle of wine to a dinner party so that you can share your beloved drink with your friends can be such a delight, until you are charged with a ludicrously high corkage fee for it! What would you do? Pay the corkage fee? Or fight for your rights?
Topic 3-Why you shouldn't leave your pets with kids
We know that we shouldn’t leave our pets at home unattended. We also know that we shouldn’t leave our kids at home unattended. If we combine the two together, disaster is sure to come.
Why exactly shouldn’t we leave kids and our pets alone?     