英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0516 - “想哭”病毒席卷全球,你“哭”了吗?(在线收听

Topic 1-WannaCry ransomware cyber attack
Intranets on campus, governmental organizations, financial organizations and gas stations in one hundred and fifty countries have fallen victim to a ransonware named WannaCry.
The spread of the virus slowed on Monday as no major organizations reported to have been impacted by the global cyberattack. The hackers behind the global cyberattack are still unidentified.
What is the virus? How can we protect our computers?
Topic 2-Opera course launched in HK university
The Chinese university of Hong Kong has launched a course to teach Kunqu Opera and Peking Opera to its students. This is the first time such forms of traditional art have been officially incorporated into the university's curriculum. Can the university's effort help to revive a dying art?
Topic 3-The secrets behind claw machine
Have you ever injected coins into a claw machine and hope to get a stuffed animal out of it? Well, many internet users are complaining about how hard it is to win an award on the claw machine.
According to an investigative news report, the odds of winning a doll are slim and deliberately kept that way. What're the secrets behind the claw machine?  