全网最酷美语怎么说:第51期 乌鸦嘴(在线收听

   Nick: Hi, everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."大家好,我是Nick.

  Brad: 大家好,我是Brad.
  Nick: 在生活中,我们可能会遇到有一些人,嘴巴闲不住,喜欢对别人指指点点。比如你说你炒股,这个人可能就会说,今天你买的股票可能要跌了。或者说今天你觉得阳光明媚,没有带伞,他转眼就说,"别看今天天气这么好,等下就要下雨。"等等,总之他会往你希望的反方向来说话。我们把这样的行为叫乌鸦嘴。今天我们来学习,乌鸦嘴怎么说?
  Nick: Brad, I'm worrying about my final later.
  Brad: What? What is it?
  Nick: It's my Anthropology class. I've been studying for this class for a long time but still, I'm not confident right now.
  Brad: I don't get it. You've studying for a long time. What exactly are worrying about?
  Nick: Eh, there are some types of questions I'm not familiar with, like Human Evolution part and Afarensis part. I hope they'll not be in the exam.
  Brad: Oh they are important. There are definitely questions about them. Trust me bro.
  Nick: Oh no! Don't jinx it!
  Brad: I mean it! I took this class last semester, my instructor said they were super important and it turned out she was right, we had a certain amount of questions on our final.Didn't your instructor tell you that?
  Nick: Nah… I don't know. She probably did actually. Or not? I didn't know coz I asked a day off.
  Brad: You should ask your classmates to confirm that.
  Nick: Yeah you are right. I'll go ask them. Thanks!
  Nick:在这里,我说我考试有一些地方没有复习到,Brad就说可能要考这些,我就说,你可别乌鸦嘴了,don't jinx it就是说不要乌鸦嘴的意思了。So this is pretty much it for this time, I'll see you guys next time, bye.
  Brad: bye