美国有线新闻 CNN 朝鲜不断挑衅 美全体参议员罕见齐聚白宫听取朝鲜问题简报(在线收听


CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: It's pretty rare for the entire 100-member U.S. Senate is called to the White House for a security meeting. That's what's first today on CNN 10.

While the subject of yesterday's event was North Korea, much of the information shared with senators was classified, so we don't know exactly what details were discussed in the meeting.

There was a statement released by U.S. government officials, though. It said the Trump administration sees North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles as an urgent security threat and that the president wants to increase pressure on North Korea to stop these programs.

The White House says it wants to do this peacefully with the help of allies like South Korea and Japan, but that the U.S. is also prepared to defend those allies, as well as itself.

Some of the senators who attended said they were glad to hear the White House's strategy for dealing with North Korea, others said they learned nothing new.

The view from the other side of the Pacific appears to be an aggressive one.

WILL RIPLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Army Day in North Korea, the 85th anniversary of the Korean People's Army. More than a million active duty soldiers, more than 6 million if you count reserves and paramilitary, one of the largest standing armies in the world.

We almost never see this side of North Korea's men and women in uniform.

This is a public holiday here in North Korea, which means citizens are enjoying a rare day off. And as you often see on days like this, lots of dancing in the streets.

Carefully choreographed display of national pride, North Korea calls it single-hearted unity. Outsiders say these men and women have no other choice.

As Pyongyang residents dance, a very different kind of demonstration on North Korea's east coast. The nation's supreme leader Kim Jong-un showing force with what South Korea calls a large scale artillery drill, less than two weeks after this massive military parade and a failed missile launch.

Analysts say these new North Korean missiles could some day carry nuclear warheads to the mainland U.S.


RIPLEY: A growing arsenal President Trump called a grave threat to the world. He's pushing the U.N. Security Council to punish North Korea for developing weapons of mass destruction that violate U.N. resolutions.

In its own show of force, the U.S. deployed a nuclear submarine to South Korea, as the U.S., South Korea and Japan conducted joint naval drills Monday, all this as the USS Carl Vinson moves closer to the waters off the Korean Peninsula.

The approaching U.S. warships conjured memories for this North Korean veteran. Senior Lieutenant Colonel Un Yong Il speaks to me in front of the USS Pueblo, a U.S. Navy spy ship North Korea captured in 1968.

"The Pueblo reminds me of another vote traveling very near the Korean waters," he says. "The Carl Vinson carrier. We are no afraid. Just like we capture the Pueblo, we can sink that aircraft carrier."

It's a threat made by North Korean state media, prompting the Pentagon to warn Pyongyang to stop provoking the U.S.

Are North Koreans worried that you may be headed towards war with the United States?

"It's a grave situation," he says, "but we're ready to counter the American threat with an all-out war and nuclear attack."

In this militarized nation, even civilians are told they may someday have to pick up arms, even on days of celebration, citizens say war with the U.S. is always looming on the horizon.
