VOA常速英语2017--美洲国家组织部长级会议 委内瑞拉问题成焦点(在线收听

There has been a dramatic erosion of constitutional rule in Venezuela over the last 18 months. This includes the undermining of the authority of the democratically elected National Assembly; the thwarting of the recall referendum late last year; the ongoing imprisonment of opposition leaders and members of civil society and other restrictions on individual freedoms, including the use of military tribunals to try civilians; the violent repression of peaceful protests; and, most recently, the effort to hold a constitutional assembly to override the will of the Venezuelan people and erode Venezuelan democracy.

过去的一年半以来,委内瑞拉的法治极度腐化。表现有:经过民主选举而成立的国民大会(National Assembly)权威受到贬损;去年年末,罢免公投遭到阻挠;现在,很多反对派领袖和民间社会成员还处在监禁状态。除此之外,个人自由还受到其他限制,包括通过军事法庭来审问平民;暴力镇压和平示威者;最近发生的还有,政府意图举办制宪大会,碾压民众的意愿,腐蚀委内瑞拉的民主。

U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas Shannon in remarks at the Organization of American States, decried the humanitarian hardships that have overwhelmed a majority of Venezuelans. Economic stagnation has given way to hyperinflation and increasing economic instability. Venezuelan citizens struggle to maintain basic access to most food and medicine.

美国负责分管政治事务的副国务卿托马斯(Thomas Shannon)在面向美洲国家组织发表讲话时,谴责委内瑞拉在人道主义方面的艰难境况,称这种境况难倒了委内瑞拉的很多人。经济停滞让通货膨胀和经济不稳定愈发严重。委内瑞拉人面临粮食和药物基本供给的危机。

The United States has condemned the Venezuelan government's violent crackdown against opposition leaders and civil society. In the past two months of protests, more than 60 people have been killed, more than 1,000 injured, and nearly 3,000 detained, including 331 civilians charged criminally by military courts.


Under Secretary Shannon said, The rights of peaceful assembly and peaceful protest ought to be protected and not repressed.


The U.S. urges the Venezuelan government to fulfill its commitments to promote free elections, respect the independence of the National Assembly, respect the freedoms of all of Venezuela's political prisoners, and meet the humanitarian needs of the Venezuelan people.


The Organization of American States can partner with others in the international community to help bring about a peaceful resolution to the political impasse in Venezuela. The United States supports a proposal for the establishment of a contact group to guide the next stage of diplomatic efforts.


Now is the time for the community of democracies to show the world that inter-American solidarity can help find a path back to peace and prosperity in Venezuela.

