VOA常速英语2017--意大利港口难民大批涌入 寻求欧盟援助(在线收听

Most of the tens of thousands of people plucked from the Mediterranean this week have been taken to ports on the Italian coast. They are severely dehydrated, usually malnourished and suffering from infections and skin diseases.


Marcella Kraay of Doctors Without Borders spoke to VOA via Skype from the group's rescue ship, Aquarius, as it disembarked more than a thousand migrants at the Italian port of Corigliano Calabro.

来自无国界医生的玛塞拉(Marcella Kraay)在通过Skype在其援救船只Aquarius号上接受了VOA的采访,当时该救援船将1000多名移民送抵了卡拉布罗港口。

We also see the results of people actually being physically assaulted, sexually assaulted, tortured.


Italy's representative to the European Union has warned the situation is “unsustainable,” and threatened to stop vessels of other countries from bringing migrants to its ports.


Kraay sympathizes with Italy's position.


We have not in any way formally been informed of this by the Italian government. So we have to see what actually happens. But my first impression of this is that the main thing here is that it is actually a cry for help coming from the Italian government. And it would be actually good for other EU member states to take a bit more responsibility.


EU Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos offered Italy his support.

欧盟移民事务专员季米特里斯(Dimitris Avramopoulos)表示支持意大利。

Italy is under huge pressure and we are not going to leave this country alone.


But Italy is obliged to take in the migrants, says refugee law expert Professor Geoff Gilbert of the University of Essex, also via Skype.

但意大利有义务接收这些移民,埃塞克斯大学的难民法律专家杰夫(Geoff Gilbert)通过Skype表示道。

The law of the sea, international refugee law, and international human rights law are all coming into play together. While I have a lot of sympathy for the Italian situation, I do not believe Italy can send back boats, even boats that are seaworthy, into the Mediterranean.


Gilbert says Rome is likely trying to force the implementation of the 2015 EU agreement to share refugees across the bloc, which has so far made little progress.


This week more than 400 migrants in Italy clashed with police at the French border, demanding to be allowed through.

