美国国家公共电台 NPR 'Thunder Thighs': The Summer Anthem That Celebrates Every Woman(在线收听



And now for a cool summer jam.

SHANTHONY EXUM: Hi. My name is Shanthony Exum. I'm a multimedia artist based out of Brooklyn, N.Y.


MISS EAVES: (Singing) Chub rub. The day is just heating up. So what? These boy shorts are inching up.

EXUM: "Thunder Thighs" is the track that I actually wrote about my own thighs. I've had a curvy body for my whole life. And a lot of the things I talked about in "Thunder Thighs," such as, like, wearing mom jeans or, like, having your thighs touch and, like, rub together - these are things that I've experienced my whole life. So this is really just about art reflecting reality.


MISS EAVES: (Singing) Big butt. These pants are tight enough. High cut - want them to cover my gut. Mom jeans all day - why you mad, though?

EXUM: The video - I approached my friend April Maxey. And she's the co-director of the video. And we wanted to make a video that was very body-positive and, like, representative of plus-size people. There's people of color. There's queer people. We just want to show, like, everyone enjoying their body, having fun in the summer.


MISS EAVES: (Singing) Thunder thighs. Thunder, thunder thighs.

EXUM: It opens with a young girl sitting on my stoop with two of my friends. And then it's just a montage of images of women of all body types celebrating their bodies, having fun in the summer. We all went in this, like, huge mob scene where we just walked like a huge girl gang to a basketball court. And then we formed a big dance circle, and we broke it down there.


MISS EAVES: (Singing) Boom clack. They smack when I stride.

EXUM: At one point in the music video, an older woman just rips off her sweater, and she just reveals her wearing this crop-top shirt without a bra. And she's just really shaking it and living her life and just having a great time. I just told her to wear something colorful. She decided to come without a bra. I'm really glad that she did 'cause I really love that scene.


MISS EAVES: (Singing) Chub rub. It's hot - thighs going to touch. Chub rub. It's hot, but I'm not bothered. Thick thighs, sun dress - I'm looking good.

EXUM: I've gotten a lot of messages from people who didn't know about me before that were like, I'm buying shorts for the first time. I'm buying my first sun dress. I'm now feeling comfortable in my body to wear things that I felt that I wasn't allowed to wear. And I was really excited about that.


MISS EAVES: (Singing) Thunder thighs...

GARCIA-NAVARRO: That was Shanthony Exum, also known as Miss Eaves. Her new album, "Feminasty," comes out on August 4.


MISS EAVES: (Singing) Thighs thick - thighs juicy. Don't be jealy when my thighs shake. Oowee.
