儿童英语读物 The Deserted Library Mystery CHAPTER 1 Grandfather’s News(在线收听

Grandfather Alden sat in a lawn chair and poured a glass of lemonade. It was a hot August day with the sky a bright blue. When Violet went by, he said, “Violet, dear, call the others, will you?”

“Yes, Grandfather,” she answered. Ten-year-old Violet was a lovely girl who was shy and sweet.

In a few minutes all four of the grandchildren sat on the grass before Mr. Alden. Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny loved their grandfather. They remembered when their parents had died and they had run away to hide in a boxcar. They had heard their grandfather was a mean old man, and they had been afraid that he would find them. When Violet became ill and a doctor was needed, the doctor told her grandfather about the children. It was then they went to live with him, and discovered that Grandfather wasn’t mean at all. He was kind and good. He always encouraged them to follow their own ideas.

Grandfather Alden poured each child a glass of cold lemonade, then leaned back in his chair. “I have some interesting news for you,” he said, his warm smile widening.

Henry and Jessie leaned forward. What could his news be? Violet was quiet as usual, but her eyes were big with curiosity. Benny, the youngest, only six, couldn’t stand it any longer. He jumped up and danced around his grandfather. “What is it?” he asked.

Grandfather laughed. He knew how much Benny loved an adventure. In fact, they all loved an adventure. Even Watch, their dog, who lay at Jessie’s feet.

Grandfather became serious. “I’ve just talked to Pete Hanson.”

“Doesn’t he own the café and bait shop in Rock Falls near the bay?” Henry asked.

“Yes, he does,” Grandfather answered. “Pete told me that the small village’s old library is going to be torn down. You know it hasn’t been used in many years.”

“Why?” Benny asked.

“Well,” Grandfather said, “not only were there not enough people in town, but when the librarian left several years ago, no one took her place.”

“I remember seeing the boarded-up library once,” twelve-year-old Jessie said.

“I don’t remember!” Benny shouted. “I want to see it!”

“I think we’re all about to see the library, Benny,” Henry said. He looked at his grandfather. “Isn’t that right?”

“That’s right, Henry,” Grandfather Alden replied. Henry was only fourteen, but he was wise and understanding. Grandfather finished his lemonade and said, “That library belongs to the town of Rock Falls, and it has shelves and shelves of old books that probably need to be sorted out. I remember that lovely library building when I was young. My family had a house in Rock Falls where we spent our summers.”

“How young were you?” Benny asked.

“I was a little boy like you,” Grandfather said. “And I was fond of the old library, and now I want to see the town council give it landmark status.”

“What is landmark status, Grandfather?” This time Violet asked the question.

“When a building is saved by the public so that everyone can enjoy its history. Wouldn’t you like to explore the place and see what’s in the library? And neaten it up so it looks good enough to be a landmark?”

“Yes, yes!” Benny said. “An adventure! When can we go?”

“You can leave tomorrow,” Grandfather said, a twinkle in his eyes. “I’ve received permission from Pete. You see, Pete owns a small house on the edge of the village. During the summer months he lives and works in his restaurant and in the winter he lives in his house, carving and painting fish lures.”

Jessie stood up. Even though she was two years younger than Henry, she always knew what needed to be done. “How wonderful to be able to stay in Pete’s house. We’ll need bedding, food, and some cooking pots.”

“No cooking pots or bedding.” Grandfather laughed. “You’ll find Pete’s place is well equipped. You’ll even find some canned and packaged goods on the shelf. All you’ll need to bring is fresh food. Later, you can go to Pete’s Café and buy what you need.” He handed a key to Henry. “This will unlock Pete’s house.” Next he handed a key to Jessie. “And this is for the library. Pete sent both to me.”

“Thanks, Grandfather,” Jessie said.

Grandfather reached down and scratched Watch’s ear. “You stay with me, Watch. Otherwise, I’ll be lonesome.”

“Let’s start packing,” Henry said. His dark blue eyes were sparkling with excitement.

They all ran into their house except Violet. She stooped down and kissed Grandfather’s forehead. “Thank you,” she said softly.

“You’re welcome, Violet.” Grandfather’s eyes softened. How lucky he was to have such loving grandchildren.

The next morning the Alden children set off on their bicycles. Their backpacks and baskets contained supplies and clothing. They pedaled for two hours. Henry was ahead. Jessie and Violet followed, and Benny was behind. Even though Benny pedaled as fast as his legs would go, he was last. “Wait for me,” he yelled. “I’m hungry!” He stopped in the middle of the road.

Jessie laughed. “You’re always hungry, Benny.” But she slowed down and stopped.

“I know,” Benny said, smiling.

“Look,” Violet said, pointing to two large oak trees with a small stream beside them. “Wouldn’t that be a perfect scene to paint?”

“That’s a perfect place for a picnic,” Henry said. He jumped off his bike and wheeled it off the road.

Benny parked his red bike by the roadside, too.

Jessie spread a checked tablecloth on the soft green grass. Violet poured milk into paper cups and they all drank from them, except Benny, of course. He had his pink cracked cup. He’d found it in a dump when they lived in the boxcar, and wouldn’t part with it. Henry reached for the thermos and refilled the cups. Benny quickly took out four ham sandwiches from the picnic basket, and they began to eat.

An orange-and-black butterfly hovered over their food.

“That’s a big butterfly!” Benny shouted. “It might eat my sandwich.”

Henry chuckled. “No, it won’t. You’ve already eaten most of it. The poor monarch butterfly won’t even get a crumb.”

After they’d eaten sweet purple grapes for dessert, they once again got on their bikes.

“Only a few more miles,” Henry said. He studied his compass. “The library is straight east of here.”

Jessie started to sing:

“Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream.”

Soon everyone joined in.

After riding a couple of miles, and going through the tiny town of Rock Falls, Henry said, pointing, “There it is. Pete gave Grandfather perfect directions.” Pete’s house, surrounded by trees and bushes, looked neat and well kept. Off in the distance stood the library, a gray shingled building with windows boarded up and the roof sagging in the middle. Even farther away sparkled a green sea.

They pedaled faster.

When they reached Pete’s house, they saw it had an upstairs window that looked out toward the water. They stopped.

“Oooh,” Benny whispered. “The house looks so lonely. Maybe ghosts live there when Pete is gone for the summer.”

“Nonsense,” Henry replied. “Let’s go inside.” He sounded cheerful, but secretly he agreed with Benny. There was something scary about this place. Henry glanced about. No one was in sight. He looked over his shoulder. He was sure something would happen here. Their visit might not be as much fun as everyone thought.
