娱乐新天地MV 2006-美国影歌双栖青春玉女 Hilary Duff / Wake Up(在线收听

The American Bilateral Super Star--Hilary Duff

(MTV) Hilary Duff stares off the cover of Most Wanted with the look of a doe-eyed, feathered-haired criminal. Or maybe she's just exhausted, which would explain why she revisits so much already-released material. Three of the teen queen's biggest, brightest hits ("Come Clean," "Rock This World," and "Why Not") get the remix treatment. Impossible though it seems, each remix is still zippier than the original. Perennial fave "So Yesterday" is squished between the hard-rockin', deeply satisfying "Mr. James Dean" from 2004's Hilary Duff and the too-girlie-for-its-own-good "Metamorphosis" from the same-named 2003 disc. There are three originals including opener "Wake Up", a slightly self-pitying look inside the celebrity glass bubble, but to a great beat, the danceable "Beat of my Heart," and emo-esque "Break My Heart." The burning question of whether it's worth it to buy this record based on the inarguably good remixes and three original tracks will be dictated by how severe her fan base's withdrawal symptoms are. If magazine covers bear any relation to the old practice of plastering a town with "wanted" posters, odds are Duff's zillions of fans will not only find this disc but help her deliver on its smart title's promise.
Lyrics of the song

Wake Up

There's people talking
They talk about me
They know my name
They think they know everything
But they don't know anything
About me

Give me a dance floor
Give me a dj
Play me a record
Forget what they say
Cause I need to go
Need to getaway tonight

I put my makeup on a saturday night
I try to make it happen
Try to make it all right
I know I make mistakes
I'm living life day to day
It's never really easy but it's ok

Wake Up Wake Up
On a saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris maybe Tokyo
There's something going on anywhere I go
Yeah, tonight

The city's restless
It's all around me
People in motion
Sick of all the same routines
And they need to go
They need to get away

I put my makeup on a saturday night
I try to make it happen
Try to make it all right
I know I make mistakes
I'm living life day to day
It's never really easy but it's ok

Wake Up Wake Up
On a saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris maybe Tokyo
There's something going on anywhere I go
Yeah, tonight

People all around you
Everywhere that you go
People all around you
They don't really know you
Everybody watching like it's some kind of show
Everybody's watching
They don't really know you now
(They don't really know you)
(They don't really know you)
And forever

Wake Up Wake Up
(Wake Up Wake Up)
Wake Up Wake Up
(Wake Up Wake Up)

Wake Up Wake Up
On a saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris maybe Tokyo
There's something going on anywhere I go

Wake Up Wake Up
On a saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris maybe Tokyo
There's something going on anywhere
I go
Yeah, tonight


迪斯尼公司挖到了宝!当2003MTV台颁奖的时候,当新老两代天后“小甜甜”布兰妮和麦当娜四唇相接,两舌姣缠的时候,歌迷们便开始不由自主的为昔日的“小甜甜”今日的“性感小猫”找接班人了。可谓千呼万唤始出来,未满二八芳龄的希拉莉·杜芙(Hilary Duff)最终赢得了唱片公司老板以及媒体的青睐,成功取得了这个新“少男杀手”的位置。与“小甜甜”的出道经历截然不同的是,希拉莉·杜芙是从演戏起家,先是电视剧,后是电影,发行专辑以前早已经是位在美国倍受观众喜爱的小童星。

  希拉莉·杜芙全名Hilary Ann Duff1987928日出生于美国德克萨斯州的休斯敦,她经常奔波往返于洛杉矶和休斯敦的家,在家中有她的父母BobSusan,姐姐海莉·杜芙(Haylie Duff),以及她的两条宝贝狗。从上学的时候开始,这两个姐妹就成为了当地人们的小明星,海莉第一个站到了舞台上,希拉莉6岁的时候也有了自己的第一次演出经历。并且在后来她还参加了节目的巡演,这使她有机会接触到一些电视台的角色,这让她非常开心,她渴望去演出,并且不久她就收到了许多家电视台角色的邀请,希拉莉正式走上了电视荧幕。

  她在电视上演出了系列剧《True Women》,并且不久之后依靠在《Soul Collector》上边的精彩表演获得了她生平的第一个奖项——最佳女配角奖(Best Supporting Actress)。获奖以后,希拉莉继续稳扎稳打,在《Chicago Hope》里又客串了一个角色。随后,她开始与一些大牌演员有所合作,先是和老“007”肖恩·康纳利(Sean Connery)以及Dennis QuaidGena Rowlands出演了《Playing by Heart》,后来又和蒂姆·罗宾斯(Tim Robbins)合作了嘎纳电影节的好评影片《Human Nature》。2002年她还主演了有线电视年度收视率最高的电影《Cadet Kelly》,以及在20033月公映的电影《Agent Cody Banks》。除此以外,她还曾经获得过第15届年度儿童选择奖(Annual Kids' Choice Awards)授予的最受欢迎电视女演员奖(Favorite Television Actress)。当然,使她名声远扬的还是那部著名的电视连续剧《Lizzie McGuire》。

  20011月,电视剧《Lizzie McGuire》在迪斯尼电视台首播,之后便红遍全美地区。这部电视剧主要讲述的就是十几岁的孩子在学校的不安分,时髦的语言,形为,动作和习惯,青少年朋友之间的密切和矛盾等等,许许多多围绕在女主角Lizzie McGuire身边的十几岁孩子的趣事,或引人发笑,或让人深省。这部电视剧还在20022003年连续两年被评选为最受欢迎的电视连续剧(Favorite Television Series)。有了电视的巨大成功,电影版自然是少不了,随着电影《The Lizzie McGuire Movie》的公映,希拉莉的名气急剧升温,不过希拉莉的减肥效果也着实明显,现在的她和过去相比的确苗条了许多。

  正所谓演而优则歌,希拉莉·杜芙进军乐坛了,当然她名字前边一定不能少了那个形容词——“多才多艺的”。20028月,在电视剧《Lizzie McGuire》的原声带中,希拉莉演唱了一首《I Can't Wait》,结果那原声带被美国唱片工业协会(RIAA)认证为白金专辑。有了这一良好开端,精明的唱片公司当然不能错过这发财的机遇,仅过一个多月,20021015日,迪斯尼公司就为希拉莉发行了一张圣诞专辑《Santa Claus Lane》,但是销量却不令人感到高兴。今年4月份发行的《Lizzie McGuire》电影版的原声带再次给了希拉莉一个机会,这回她在这张原声带上一口气唱了三首歌,这张原声随后又被认证为了白金,这回迪斯尼公司吸取了教训,马上展开大规模的宣传推广活动,“希拉莉热”已经难以被冷却。借助这最红的时候,迪斯尼发行了希拉莉·杜芙第一张正式个人唱片《Metamorphosis》,为了这张唱片的宣传,早在专辑发行前的几个星期,大海报就已经悬挂在了唱片店的门口了。最终这张专辑发行首周虽仅售出20万零4千张名列Billboard 200排行榜第二,但次周便升至冠军,这张专辑在美国取得了巨大的成功,全美专辑销量接近了400万张。

  希拉莉·杜芙除了演戏、唱歌和挣钱以外,她的公众形象也十分健康,她对公益事业非常热衷,她是1998/1999年度的奥黛丽·赫本儿童基金会(Audrey Hepburn Childrens Fund)顾问部的成员,还是2001年儿童问题青年顾问委员会(Youth Advisory Committee of Kids With A Cause)的成员,这些都是非盈利性的救助儿童的慈善机构。这些良好的行动都极大的有利于她事业的推广和发展。

928日,希拉莉·杜芙发行了同名专辑《Hilary Duff》,并又以首周192千张的成绩名列Billboard 200排行榜亚军。

816日,不满18岁的希拉莉·杜芙个人首张精选辑《Most Wanted》正式发行,专辑精选了她在音乐事业方面最出色的作品。