
The UN Secretary General recently released his biannual report on implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231. In it, he confirmed that all parties, including Iran, are living up to their commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the nuclear deal agreed to by Iran, the EU and the P5+1 countries.


But when UN Under-Secretary General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman presented the report to the Security Council, he focused on the resolution's other provisions as well, one of which calls on Iran to refrain from activity related to ballistic missile development. He noted that on January 29, 2017, Iran launched a medium-range ballistic missile, and that that had followed a series of earlier ballistic missiles launched by Iran in March 2016.

不过,联合国负责政治事务的副秘书长费尔特曼(Jeffrey Feltman)在向安理会递交这份报告时,着重强调了该决议的其他条例,其中一条呼吁伊朗不要参涉与弹道导弹研制有关的活动。费尔特曼强调,2017年1月29日,伊朗发射了一枚中程弹道导弹。他还表示,而此前在2016年3月份时,伊朗还发射了一系列弹道导弹。

The sanctions outlined in Resolution 2231 also restrict Iran's arms transfer and export. UN Under-Secretary Feltman reported that after analysis of a cache of weapons seized by the French navy in the Northern Indian Ocean in March 2016, it was determined that the weapons were of Iranian origin and had been shipped from Iran. In addition, Mr. Feltman noted that Iran's Defense Ministry Organization again participated in Iraq's Defense Exhibition.


U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said the Secretary General's report is filled with devastating evidence of the nature of the Iranian regime and documents the Iranian government's actions in defiance of Resolution 2231.

美国驻联合国大使妮基 海利(Nikki Haley)表示,秘书长的报告里充斥着对伊朗政权本质的有力证据,也包含了很多证明伊朗政府蔑视2231号决议行为的文件。

Repeated ballistic missile launches, proven arms smuggling, illicit procurement of ballistic missile-related technology.


She also observed that while Resolution 2231 requires states to prohibit the entry into their territory of certain individuals like Major General Qassem Soleimani, chief of the IRGC's Qods Force, he has openly visited other countries.

海利还注意到,虽然2231号决议要求各国禁止某些人员入境,比如苏莱曼尼将军。此人是伊斯兰革命卫队(IRGC)圣城旅(Qods Force)的首领,他曾公开访问过其他国家。

We as the Security Council must stand behind the provisions of 2231. We must strictly enforce them and show Iran that we will not tolerate their egregious flouting of UN resolutions.


The United States will do its part to implement Resolution 2231. It will also work with global partners to interdict prohibited cargo and continue to impose U.S. domestic sanctions on those who help Iran violate Resolution 2231.


Iran's behavior and rhetoric are not those of a responsible member of the international community, said Ambassador Haley. The Security Council must recognize this fact and act accordingly.

