美国国家公共电台 NPR Tight On Wall Space, SFMOMA Will Text Its Art To You Instead(在线收听



So here's a way to go to the museum without actually going to the museum. Send a text message to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and the museum will send back an image that matches your mood.


It really happens. In fact, some of our editors gave it a shot.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN #1: Send me some teacups. It actually looks quite inviting. It's a glass teacup, and you can see a milky cup of tea through it.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN #2: Send me bicycles. There we go. There's just a bike. It's in a forest with a very bare tree. And it looks like there's some laundry hanging beside it.

GREENE: So it works.

The museum's Keir Winesmith says this displays artworks that are too numerous to hang on the walls.

KEIR WINESMITH: So SFMOMA has about 34,000 works in its collection. And a little under 2,000 of them are on view at any one time in the galleries.

INSKEEP: Now people are asking for lots of artwork themed on things like love and happiness and flowers. And, of course, dogs and cats - sort of like Instagram, but with art.
