职场英文口语 第177期:电梯游说(2)(在线收听

   Great. 好极了。

  Well done Anna. 干得好,安娜。
  Remember to make your pitch clear and exciting. 记得要让你的推销宣传听起来清晰,有意思。
  Really sell it with words like 'exceptional!', 'fantastic!', 'quality', 'profit', 'efficiency', and 'value for money'. 用上这些词语,如“不同寻常的”、“极好的”、“质量”、“利润”、“现金价格”。
  OK, I've got all that. 好的,我都记住了。
  I'm just adding some of the facts and figures from our customer survey. 我添些实事和数字在客户调查上。
  Anna, I've got the designs, they're coming off the printer now. 安娜,设计做好了,马上从打印机里出来了。
  Denise, I'm off now. 丹尼斯,我走了。
  Can't wait any longer for my garibaldis! 等不及去买我的葡萄干饼干了!
  Wait Paul! 等等,保罗!
  I need to tell you about our new product idea. 我要跟你说说我们最新的产品计划。
  Well, I, I, have to go. 我得走了。
  Can you tell me about it in the lift? 你能在电梯里和我说说吗?
  In the lift? Do I have to? 电梯里?必须这样吗?
  Sorry Anna, but that's the only time I've got. 抱歉,安娜,但这是我唯一有空的时候了。
  Right Anna. 好吧,安娜。
  It's time for your 'elevator pitch' – an elevator is an American word for lift. “电梯游说”时刻到了,elevator是lift的美式说法。
  You'll need to pitch your idea quickly and concisely. 你要又快又简洁的游说自己的想法。
  You need to tell Paul about the product and the market. 你要告诉保罗有关产品和市场的事。
  Then talk about how you hope it will make money for the company. 然后谈谈你希望如何为公司盈利。