职场英文口语 第179期:电梯游说(4)(在线收听

   Hmm, 20%, really? 20%,真的吗?

  But do you know who's going to buy this product?I do. 但你知道谁会买这些产品吗?我知道。
  We've conducted a survey and already found 10 new companies who would buy this  我们做了调查,已经有10家新公司想要购买,
  and 27 existing customers who have shown an interest in it… 还有27家老客户表示有兴趣。
  …and I'm confident this new product will be a huge success. 我确信这个新产品会是一个巨大的成功。
  Very impressive. 太棒了。
  You've certainly done your homework. 你肯定做足了功课。
  Look, let me chew it over – probably on a custard cream – and I'll get back to you. 让我想想,估计是在吃奶油夹心饼干的时候,我会给你反馈的。
  Thanks. 谢谢。
  Paul, Paul… you've forgotten your bag. 保罗,保罗,你忘了拿包了。
  Oh yes, I'll need that. Thanks. 是的,我需要它,谢了。
  Great work Anna! 太好了,安娜!
  You convinced me but have you convinced Paul? 你已经说服我了,但是你有说服保罗吗?
  So Anna's done her first 'elevator pitch' and kept to the facts. 安娜已经完成了她的第一次“电梯游说”并且切中了关键。
  Here's a reminder of some of the things she said. 这是她说过的一些表达。
  We've come up with an exciting new product. 我们想出了一个很有意思的新产品。
  This fantastic product will be a great addition to table decorations in the café and restaurant market. 这个很棒的产品将是咖啡店和餐厅市场里桌面装饰中的一项很好的副产品。
  We can increase efficiency but maintain quality. 我们可以提高效率但是保证质量。