夏洛的网 第136期:进展顺利(9)(在线收听

   Below the apple orchard, at the end of a path, was the dump 在苹果园下面的那条小路的尽头就是那个垃圾场。

  where Mr. Zuckerman threw all sorts of trash and stuff that nobody wanted any more. 朱克曼先生把所有垃圾和不要的东西都扔在那里。
  Here, in a small clearing hidden by young alders and wild raspberry bushes, 就在这儿,在小桤木和野悬钩子丛遮住的一小块空地上,
  was an astonishing pile of old bottles 是好大好大一堆旧瓶子、
  and empty tin cans 空罐子、
  and dirty rags 脏布头、
  and bits of metal 碎铁片、
  and broken bottles 破瓶子、
  and broken hinges 破铰链、
  and broken springs 破弹簧、
  and dead batteries 废电池、
  and last month's magazines 上个月的过期杂志、
  and old discarded dishmops 扔掉的刷碗碟小抹布、
  and tattered overalls 破套靴、
  and rusty spikes 锈钉子、
  and leaky pails 漏水的桶子、
  and forgotten stoppers 给忘掉的塞子、
  and useless junk of all kinds, 各种各样没用的垃圾,
  including a wrong-size crank for a broken ice-cream freezer. 包括破冰淇淋桶尺寸不对的曲柄。
  Templeton knew the dump and liked it. 这垃圾场坦普尔顿最熟悉最喜欢。
  There were good hiding places there 那里有可以躲藏的好地方
  - excellent cover for a rat. ——对老鼠来说是极好的藏身处。
  And there was usually a tin can with food still clinging to the inside. 那里总是有里面还粘着点食物的罐子。