职场英文口语 第194期:建立关系网(4)(在线收听

   We have an issue with the fresh grapes we provide with our cheeses – they keep going mouldy. 我们在用新鲜葡萄搭配奶酪供应时,葡萄总出问题,它们容易发霉。

  Oh dear. Yes – sour grapes you could say! 天啊。是的,可以说是酸葡萄了。
  A good quality plastic grape would be useful to put with our cheese displays. 高质量的塑料葡萄对我们的奶酪展示来说很有帮助。
  Well, I think we might be able to help you. Yes you can! 我想我们可以帮你。是的,你可以。
  This is the time to exchange contact details – give her your business card. 这是互换联系方式的好机会,把你的名片给她。
  Well, if I could have your contact details I'll send you one of our brochures and then give you a call about prices. 如果我能有你的联系方式的话,我会给你发一些我们的小册子,然后打电话和你谈谈价格。
  And here's my business card should you want to call me. That's fantastic. 这是我的名片,你可以给我打电话。太棒了。
  So nice to have met you – and I think what you're wearing for the conference is perfect. Thanks! 见到你太好了,我认为你在这次会议上穿得很得体。谢谢。
  Bingo! Looks like Anna has a potential new customer. 太好了!看起来安娜有了一位潜在的新客户。
  She was friendly and chatty but kept her mind on business. 她健谈又友善,而且一心想着业务。
  She used phrases like these: Excuse me, hello, I'm Anna. 她用了这些表达:打扰一下,你好,我是安娜。
  I work as a Sales Executive at Tip Top Trading. 我是Tip Top Trading的销售代理。
  Can you tell me about your company? 你能跟我说说你的公司吗?
  Can I briefly tell you about what our company does? 我能跟你简单介绍一下我们的公司吗?
  I think we might be able to help you. 我想我们可以帮你。