乔布斯传 第312期:安家(1)(在线收听

   A Family Home 安家

  Powell shared her husband's interest in natural foods. 在天然食品方面,鲍威尔跟她丈夫的兴趣一致。
  While at business school, she had worked part time at Odwalla, the juice company, where she helped develop the first marketing plan. 在商学院时,她曾在奥德瓦拉果汁公司做兼职,帮助那家公司做了第一个营销方案。
  After marrying Jobs, she felt that it was important to have a career, having learned from her childhood the need to be self-sufficient. 由于鲍威尔从她母亲身上认识到自我独立的重要性,所以跟乔布斯结婚后,她觉得有自己的事业很重要。
  So she started her own company, Terravera, that made ready-to-eat organic meals and delivered them to stores throughout northern California. 因此她建立了自己的公司泰拉维拉,制作速食有机餐,送给北加利福尼亚的很多商店。
  Instead of living in the isolated and rather spooky unfurnished Woodside mansion, 他们不再住伍德赛德那幢孤零零空荡荡的大房子,
  the couple moved into a charming and unpretentious house on a corner in a family-friendly neighborhood in old Palo Alto. 而是搬到了帕洛奥图老城一个适合家庭居住的社区,房子迷人又低调。
  It was a privileged realm—neighbors would eventually include the visionary venture capitalist John Doerr,  邻居包括眼光独到的风险投资家约翰·杜尔、
  Google's founder Larry Page, and Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg, along with Andy Hertzfeld and Joanna Hoffman 谷歌创始人拉里·佩奇、Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格,还有安迪·赫茨菲尔德和乔安娜·霍夫曼,是相当显赫的圈子。
  but the homes were not ostentatious, and there were no high hedges or long drives shielding them from view. 但这儿的房子并不引人注目,没有高高的树篱或长长的车道遮挡别人的视线。
  Instead, houses were nestled on lots next to each other along flat, quiet streets flanked by wide sidewalks. 相反,这些房子一栋挨着一栋地排列在安静的街道两旁,路边有亲切的人行道。
  "We wanted to live in a neighborhood where kids could walk to see friends," Jobs later said. “我们想住在一个孩子们可以走着去找朋友玩的社区。”乔布斯后来说。