美联社新闻一分钟 AP 泰勒·斯威夫特控告DJ袭臀(在线收听


This is AP News Minute.

President Donald Trump says his critics are only complaining about his tough rhetoric on North Korea because it's him. He says days of grave threats to the communist country's leader Kim Jon-un would be welcomed as a great statement if somebody else utter them.

The mayor of New Orleans says more back-up generators have been brought in to make sure pumps designed to alleviate flooding work properly. Mayor Mitch Landrieu admits the system is still diminished. The city was inundated with water after heavy rains last weekend.

Taylor Swift's former bodyguard testified in court that he did not immediately act when he saw Swift get groped by a Denver DJ because he didn't sense danger. David Mueller alleges Swift accused him falsely and got him fired.

And the driver of this car survived when it fell seven stories inside an Austin parking garage. Police say she drove through retention wires on the 7th floor.

I'm Matt Friedman, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
