乔布斯传 第318期:安家(7)(在线收听

   Jobs kept his mansion in Woodside, about ten miles up into the mountains from Palo Alto. 乔布斯的伍德赛德公馆在离帕洛奥图10英里的山里。

  He wanted to tear down the fourteen-bedroom 1925 Spanish colonial revival,  他想拆掉这座1925年西班牙殖民复兴风格的有着14间卧室的房子,
  and he had plans drawn up to replace it with an extremely simple, Japanese-inspired modernist home one-third the size.  重新建一座面积只有1/3、极其简洁的日本风格的现代主义居所。
  But for more than twenty years he engaged in a slow-moving series of court battles with preservationists 但是在20多年的时间里,他跟保护主义者进行了长期的法庭斗争,
  who wanted the crumbling original house to be saved.  他们希望保存这座建筑的原样。
  (In 2011 he finally got permission to raze the house, but by then he had no desire to build a second home.) (2011年,他终于得到许可可以拆掉这所房子,但是到这时,他已经不想再建另一个家了。)
  On occasion Jobs would use the semi-abandoned Woodside home, especially its swimming pool, for family parties. 有时候,乔布斯会用他半废弃的伍德赛德宅邸--尤其是游泳池--开家庭派对。
  When Bill Clinton was president, he and Hillary Clinton stayed in the 1950s ranch house 比尔·克林顿当总统时,他和希拉里·克林顿
  on the property on their visits to their daughter, who was at Stanford. 每次来看在斯坦福上学的女儿,就住在其中建于50年代的度假屋里。
  Since both the main house and ranch house were unfurnished, 由于主体建筑和度假屋都没有家具,
  Powell would call furniture and art dealers when the Clintons were coming and pay them to furnish the houses temporarily. 克林顿一家来的时候,鲍威尔会找来家具和艺术品供应商进行暂时性的装饰。
  Once, shortly after the Monica Lewinsky flurry broke,  有一次,就在莫妮卡·莱温斯基事件爆发不久,
  Powell was making a final inspection of the furnishings and noticed that one of the paintings was missing.  鲍威尔在对家具作最后检查时,发现一幅画不见了。
  Worried, she asked the advance team and Secret Service what had happened.  她担心地问先遣队和特工是怎么回事。
  One of them pulled her aside and explained that it was a painting of a dress on a hanger, 一个人把她拉到一边解释说,那幅画上是一个衣架和一条裙子,
  and given the issue of the blue dress in the Lewinsky matter they had decided to hide it.  鉴于莱温斯基事件里那条蓝色裙子,他们决定把那幅画藏起来。