初来乍到第二季:第17集 这样做是对的(在线收听

   You sure they're gonna show? 你确定他们会来吗

  Hey, my hook-up always shows. 喂,我的合伙人总会来的
  Have I ever let you down? 我有让你失望过吗
  Did you bring any hard candy, like I asked? 你有照我说的给我带硬糖吗
  No. There you go. 没有,我说什么来着
  'sup, hector? This him? 嘿,赫克托,就是他吗
  Think you can handle our product? 你能消化得了我们的货吗
  I got more handles than a yogurt shop. 我比一家酸奶店加起来还厉害
  Ghost peppers—hottest in the world. 印度鬼椒,世界上最辣的辣椒
  My ticket to winning the north Orlando chili cook-off. 我赢得北奥兰多辣酱烹饪比赛的制胜法宝
  Oh, it's gonna cost you. 噢,它可不是免费的
  Well, then, it's a good thing 哼,那是件好事啊
  I own a semi-successful restaurant. 我可有一家快成功了的餐馆
  How much? $1.75. Each. 多少钱,1.75刀,一颗
  These guys are good. 这些家伙真心狠
  the orderly flow of traffic. 交通有序流动
  This is called "Zippering." 这叫“拉拉链”
  One car from one lane and one car from another lane 一个车道一辆车和另一个车道的车
  Merge to form one single lane of efficiency. 分别从两个车道高效有序地并到一个车道
  It's amazing what society can learn 人们能从一条裤子上学到东西
  From a pair of pants. 真是太令人感慨万千了
  Excuse me. 不好意思
  Excuse me, lady in the ugly vest? 打扰一下,那边穿着丑马甲的女士
  I'm sorry. Can I help you? 不好意思,有什么能帮到你的吗
  Oh, no. I'm trying to help you. 噢,不,是我在帮你
  There's a better way to do your job. 有个办法能让你把工作做得更好
  Is there? 是吗
  You should wear gloves 你应该戴一副手套
  So that we can see your hands when you gesture. 这样你做手势的时候,我们就都能看到你的手了
  Much safer. Think about it. 这样更安全,你自己想一想嘛
  Have you ever seen a dead mime in the street? 你有见过谁在马路中间演哑剧吗
  What is that? 这是什么
  Well, it's the sun. 嗯,这是太阳
  Not our sun. Well, I heard the moon is made out of cheese.  我们的太阳不长这样,呃,我听说月亮是用奶酪做的
  You balance me out, J.J. 你跟我真是互补,J.J
  That's why we're best friends. 这就是我们是好朋友的原因
  Hi, Mrs. Huang. 嗨,黄太太
  It's five days till my birthday! 还有五天就到我生日了
  Okay, thank you, J.J. 好的,谢谢你,J.J
  Tomorrow, it'll be four days. 明天就还剩四天了
  Go to your own car now, J.J. Bye. 去找你们家车吧,J.J,拜拜
  I can't wait for J.J.'s birthday party. 我等不及要参加J.J的生日派对了
  There's talk of a Grover ice-cream cake! 听说会有一个格罗弗冰激凌蛋糕耶
  Oh, and look what I got on my science test. 噢,看我科学考试得了个啥
  Oh. An a-plus. 噢,得了个A+啊
  There it is! 这还差不多
  Nice work, my angel! 真棒,我的小天使
  Louis, you old sneak! 路易斯,你个老滑头
  Signing up for the north Orlando chili cook-off 没告诉我一声,就偷偷报了
  Without telling me, 北奥兰多辣酱烹饪比赛
  You son of a gun! 你个大魂淡
  Marvin, I didn't know you were a chili man. 马文,我都不知道你还是个辣酱迷啊
  You see this bad boy? 看到这个大家伙了吗
  It's for cooking the wild boar 这是用来煮野猪肉的
  That's in my famous navy razorback chili. 那是我最出名的拌野猪海军辣酱
  Sounds pretty good. Pretty good?  听起来很棒啊,才止很棒吗
  My wild pig brew has won the last five golden stockpots. 我的野猪配方已经赢了五届金牌汤锅了
  You know, I'm not stranger to the ladle. 你知道吗,我又不是第一天掌勺了
  I, uh, won a few chili contests myself back in d.C. 我在华盛顿的时候也赢过几次辣酱烹饪赛呢
  Oh, is that right? Mm-hmm.  噢,是吗,嗯哼
  Well, down here in Orlando, 好吧,现在是在奥兰多
  We have a name for Yankee chili. 我们管北方佬的辣酱
  It's called "Soup." 叫“汤”
  You know what I think when I eat southern chili? What?  你知道我吃南方辣酱的时候在想什么吗,什么
  I think, "This could use a little northern chili." 我在想“这用一点点北方辣酱做就够了吧”
  So, I point to the old man's shopping cart, and I say, 于是我指着那个老头的购物车,我说
  "You're supposed to get frozen foods last, not first. “你应该到最后再去拿冷冻食物,而不是现在一来就拿
  If that meat defrosts, 如果那盒肉解冻了
  You could get salmonella and die." 你可能会感染沙门氏菌,甚至会狗带的”
  You do have an eye for other people's mistakes. 你的确很善于发现别人犯的小错误
  Thank you. 谢谢
  anyone see my apron?! 有人看到我的围裙了吗
  Don't mind him. 别理他
  Louis just gets obsessed with these chili competitions. 路易斯最近为辣酱比赛的事走火入魔了
  You don't have to tell me. 不用你说我也懂
  Chili season's got my man, too. 我家那口子也很迷辣酱赛季
  Really? Yeah.  真的吗,是啊
  I have to go help him clean out our garage fridge 我要去帮他清理我们家车库里的冰箱了
  To store a pig. 他要用来放一头猪
  He insists on the head facing out. 他坚持要把猪头朝外放
  He says it honors the hog. 他说这样是为了尊敬那头猪
  Oh. I'll see you in a bit. 噢,回见
  Okay. Bye. 好的,拜拜
  After dinner, can we watch "Caroline in the city"? 吃完晚饭我们能看《欢乐俏女郎》吗
  What? No way. 什么,才不要
  Eddie, you won't be watching any TV this week. 埃迪,你这周都别看电视了
  You'll be helping me win 你要来帮我赢下
  The north Orlando chili cook-off... 北奥兰多辣酱烹饪比赛
  As my apprentice. 你来当我的徒弟
  Really?! You never let me help. 真的吗,你从来都不要我帮你
  You said I have to be five pots tall. 你说我要长得跟五个大锅一样高才行
  You are now, son. 你现在已经这么高啦,儿子
  I'm so excited for you. 我真为你感到激动
  You're giving me your apron? 你要把围裙给我吗
  Yes, to hand-wash for me, 是的,去帮我把它手洗了
  And then you'll give it back to me. 然后还给我
  Can we drink something else besides water at dinner? 我们晚饭的时候能不能别老喝水,喝点别的
  No. Water hydrates you. 不行,水能给你保湿
  And if you spill it, it cleans, not stains. 而且就算你们把水洒了,它也很干净,没有印记
  Very well. One final question. 很好,最后一个问题
  Dad, can I have your old briefcase? 老爸,我可以用你的旧公文包吗
  Why? 为啥
  I'd like to start carrying it to school 我想背公文包去学校
  To keep my papers crisp. 这样我的卷子就不会起皱了
  But you already have a backpack. 但是你已经有一个书包了
  I didn't have a briefcase until I was 30. 我到三十岁的时候才有公文包呢
  If you hate this so much, 你这么讨厌这个
  Why do you insist on coming along? 干嘛还老要跟来
  And now it is my turn. 好了,轮到我了
  Hey, it was my turn! 嘿,该轮到我好吗
  She didn't zipper! 她没有按顺序来
  Hey! Hey, you didn't zipper! 嘿,嘿,你干嘛不按顺序并道
  Hey. She didn't zipper! 嘿,她没有按顺序开
  It's out of my un-gloved hands. 我没戴手套,我可管不着
  Watch the car. 看着车
  Hey! Hey! I know you see me! 嘿,嘿,我知道你看得到我
  you cut me off 轮到我并道的时候
  When it was my turn to zipper! 你抢了我的道
  that's not how we drive around here! 我们在这里可不是这样开车的
  there's no zippering rule. 没有硬性并道规则好吗
  It's more of a suggestion. 那最多算是个建议
  Calm down. 冷静点
  "Calm down"? “冷静点”
  You calm down! 你才该给我冷静点
  you know what? Get out of the car. 不如这样吧,你给我下车
  Help, help, I'm being attacked! 救命啊,救命啊,我要被人袭击了
  You're not being attacked. 才没有人要袭击你
  She's not being attacked. 没有人要袭击她
  Nobody help this idiot. 都别来帮这个蠢货
  You are a crazy lady. 你真是个疯女人
  I can't believe somebody gave you a driver's license 我简直不敢相信有人会给你发驾照
  Because you're an unfit driver and an idiot. 因为你是个不合格的司机,而且还是个蠢货
  Mommy? 妈咪
  Oh, hi, mom. Hi, J.J. 噢,嗨,老妈,嗨,J.J
  Oh. Hi, Mrs. Huang. Hi, J.J.  噢,嗨,黄太太,你好啊,J.J
  You don't have to drive all the way up to school. 你不用开到学校去的
  You can just drop us off here. 我们在这里就可以下车
  Here? Why? It's just calmer here.  这里吗,为什么呀,因为这里更加安静些
  Is this about yesterday? 是因为昨天的事吗
  Listen, sometimes when one adult is right, 听着,有时候呢,当一个大人是正确的时候
  They have to tell the other adult 他就得去告诉另一个大人
  That they're wrong. 他做错了
  But that was my best friend's mom. 但那是我死党的妈妈呀
  Well, she drives like your worst friend's mom. 呃,她开车开得像是你死对头的妈妈
  The traffic disputes of adults 大人们在交通上的争论
  Have no impact on the friendships of children. 对孩子们的友谊没有影响
  Of course. 早想到了
  Bye, mom. Bye, mom. Bye. 拜拜,老妈,妈妈再见,拜拜
  Hey, Evan. Hi, J.J. 嘿,埃文,嗨,J.J
  You have a raisin on your neck. 你脖子上粘了个葡萄干
  Oh. It's from breakfast. Ha! 噢,吃早餐的时候粘上的,哈哈
  Good. Now I have your fingerprints 很好,现在我有你的指纹了
  In case I need to send them to the state. 说不定我要把它送到车管所去
  Evan's not invited to 这周我家J.J的生日聚会
  J.J.'s birthday party this weekend. 没有邀请埃文
  Son, welcome to the flavor dome. 儿子,欢迎来到味觉天堂
  Cool. When do we eat. 真棒,我们什么时候开吃
  When the chili tells us it's ready. 这要看辣酱什么时候好
  This is the start of a family legacy, 这是家族传承的开始
  Like when an italian grandmother 就像一个意大利的老祖母
  Passes down a meatball recipe. 把肉丸子的配方传给下一代一样
  It's like, um, "Mama Louis!" 就像,嗯,“路易斯妈妈”
  now, let's start 好了,我们开始吧
  By chopping up these onions. 先切洋葱
  Whoa. 哇哦
  You're gonna let me use this knife? 你要让我用这把刀吗
  Of course. You're my apprentice. 当然啦,你是我的学徒
  Any last words? 还有什么遗言吗
  Uh, maybe we work on some knife skills first, okay? 呃,我们还是先学学怎么用刀吧,好吗
  All right. Not bad. Not bad at all.  好了,不错,确实是啊
  what are you doing? 你在干嘛啊
  We spent forever on that! 我们做了这么久
  Eddie, what were your first words 埃迪,你刚尝到辣酱的时候
  After you tried the chili? 说的第一句话是什么
  I said, "Not bad." Exactly. 我说了“不错”啊,没错
  "Not bad" Isn't good enough. “没错”就是不够好
  And "Good" Isn't good enough, either. “好”也是不够好
  Marvin is out there cooking a wild boar right now 马文现在在外面煮野猪肉
  A pig from the forest. 从森林抓来的野猪
  We need to reach higher 如果我们想赢得金奖的话
  If we want that golden stockpot. 我们要比他更胜一筹
  Okay, dad, if we're making this again, 好吧,老爸,如果我们要再来一遍的话
  I think we should toast some cumin in some bacon fat 我觉得我们可以在放肉之前
  Before we put the meat in. 先在培根里和一点茴香
  Let me stop you right there. 你先打住
  You know why your mom's not allowed in the dome? 你知道为什么我不让你老妈来跟我一起做吗
  Because she futzes. 因为她很无厘头
  She adds things. 她老是要加东西
  "Oh, how about a little more oregano? “噢,不如再加点牛至怎么样
  Let's add a sprig of rosemary." 再来一小枝迷迭香吧”
  No! This isn't a bowl of jazz! 当然不行,这又不是熬腊八粥
  Who does that woman think she is, 她以为自己是谁
  Deciding who can and can't attend her son's birthday party? 连谁来参加自己儿子生日趴体都要管
  She's not god. That's nice. 她又不是上帝,不错
  Stop thinking about your chili! 别再想你的辣椒酱了
  How am I supposed to tell Evan 我该怎么告诉埃文
  He's not invited to J.J.'s birthday party?  J.J的生日聚会没有邀请他
  Just apologize to her. 去和她道个歉吧
  Why would I apologize? 我为什么要道歉
  She didn't zipper! 是她没有按顺序并车
  She's the one who's wrong! 是她做错了啊
  Well, what would be wrong 好吧,错误的是
  Is if Evan didn't go to the party 因为你现在的行为
  Because of something you did. 埃文不能去这次的聚会
  damn it, Marvin! 该死的,马文
  Get this beast out of the garage fridge! 快把这头猪从车库冰箱里弄出去
  We need to honor the hog! 我们要尊敬猪
  Let's start over. 我们重头开始
  I'm Jessica, Evan's mother. 我是杰西卡,埃文的妈妈
  I'm Helen. 我是海伦
  Helen. That's a pretty name. 海伦,真是个好听的名字
  It's like melon, a sweet fruit. 听上去像甜瓜一样,一种很甜的水果
  I'm here because I would like to... 我来是想告诉你
  Acknowledge a mutual wrongdoing. 我们都犯了错误
  Okay... 好吧
  You didn't respect the zipper, 你没有按顺序并车
  And I lost my temper, 而我暴走了
  Even though I was provoked by your error. 但这是由于你的错误引起的
  I think I'm being pretty clear. 我觉得我已经说得够清楚了
  You're not. 并没有
  it is for Evan, my angel. 这是为了埃文,我的天使
  I am sorry. 对不起
  Thank you very much for saying that. 我很高兴你能向我道歉
  I-I accept your apology. 我接受你的道歉
  Oh, I am so glad we put this behind us. 噢,我们能放下恩怨真是太好了
  Evan is so excited for j.J.'s birthday party. 埃文一直很期待J.J的生日趴
  Oh, Evan still isn't invited. Bye, now. 噢,埃文还是不能来,拜拜啦
  Eddie! Why didn't you tell me? 埃迪,你为什么不告诉我
  Tell you what? About your dad competing in no-co!  告诉你什么,你老爸的比赛
  The north Orlando chili cook-off. 北奥尔兰的辣酱烹饪大赛
  Yeah, he's been making me help him out. 对啊,他还让我给他打下手
  Hold on. 等等
  He's letting you chili apprentice? 他聘用你做辣酱学徒了吗
  All we do is cook chili and not eat any of it. 我们只是做点辣酱,然后再把它们倒进垃圾桶
  He keeps on saying it needs to be better, 他一直觉得不满意
  But he doesn't take any of my ideas. 但他都不听我的想法
  You believe this guy? 看看这个家伙
  Two days in a chili kitchen, thinks he knows everything. 才捣鼓了两天的辣酱,就以为自己能上天了
  Why would your dad listen to you? 你老爸为什么要听你的
  You're not a chef. 你又不是厨师
  Yeah, but I know food. 没错,但是我懂食物啊
  Blindfold me in a baskin-robbins, 让我蒙着眼尝芭斯罗缤
  And I'll name all 31 flavors. 我能尝出所有三十一种味道
  You're the apprentice. 你是个学徒
  You're supposed to shut up, listen, and learn. 你的就该闭紧嘴巴,竖起耳朵认真学
  But I'm not good at any of those things. 但你说的这些我一样都做不到
  Forget this. 不管了
  I'm done cooking with my dad. 我现在已经不跟着我爸干了
  You need to take that attitude to a pie-eating contest 你应该把这种态度留到吃派比赛上去
  Where it belongs! 这样最合适不过了
  Mom, which outfit should I wear to j.J.'s? 妈妈,我应该穿什么去J.J的派对
  I want something I can knock around in, 我想穿得随便点
  But my knees have been ashy lately, 但我最近膝盖上有灰
  So shorts are out. 所以短裤就算了
  Evan, sit down. 埃文,坐下来
  There's something I have to tell you. 我要告诉你件事情
  What is it? 怎么了
  I... I have to get gas on the way to J.J.'s. 我...在去J.J那之前我要先去加个油
  Oh, then we need to leave 10 minutes earlier. 噢,那我们得提前十分钟出发
  I better hustle into the shower. 我要赶快去冲个澡
  The mobil on 5th is 10 cents cheaper. 美孚五号的汽油要便宜十分钱
  Emery, we have to get you a cat bell. 埃默里,看来要在你身上装个铃铛了
  Announce yourself when I come into the room. 我进房间的时候你怎么不告诉我一声
  Good god! 老天爷啊
  Ohh! Hmm. 噢
  Hello, Helen. Evan is here. 你好,海伦,埃文来了
  You guys, I'm here! 大家好,我来了
  What are you doing? 你在干什么啊
  You can't just crash my son's birthday party. 你不能就这么直接毁掉我儿子的生日
  Evan doesn't deserve to miss out 埃文不该受到这样的待遇
  Because you have a problem with me. 请不要把你和我之间的恩怨
  We shouldn't make this about us. 横加在小孩子身上
  No, we shouldn't, because it's not about us. 确实,我们不该这样,但这和我们无关
  It's about Evan. 这是埃文的问题
  What are you talking about. 你在说什么
  That's why I didn't want him here. 那就是我为什么不想让他来的原因
  See for yourself. 你自己看看
  No, no, no, no, no. 不,不,不
  You're doing it wrong. 你不该这么做
  What are pirate lego men doing at a construction site? 海盗乐高小人在建筑工地里有什么意义
  Tear this down and start again. 推翻了重来吧
  Okay! 好吧
  My son is a gentle spirit, 我儿子是个很温柔的人
  And I don't like the way your son treats him. 我不喜欢你儿子在他旁边指手画脚
  That's why I didn't want him here. 这就是我不让他来的原因
  My job is to protect j.J. From your little bossy boots. 我的职责是让J.J远离你那个蛮横的小暴君
  Evan's not bossy boots! 埃文才不是蛮横的暴君
  He's angel boots! 他是个小天使
  What...On earth... Is that? 这到底是什么玩意
  It's the  -don't say it's the sun.  这是,别告诉我这是太阳
  Evan was really bossing his friend around? 埃文真的对朋友颐指气使吗
  Sweet little Evan in his cute, little khakis? 穿着可爱卡其裤的小甜心埃文
  The ones with the pleats, yes. 上面还有可爱的小褶子,对,就是他
  I just don't know where he learns this type of behavior. 我只是搞不懂他从哪学到的这些举止
  You're kidding, right? 你在开玩笑,对吧
  He gets it from you, Jessica. 他跟你学的,杰西卡
  What?! No, he doesn't. 什么,不,他才没有
  Yes, he does. 就是这样的
  I think he just looks up to you—you're not doing it right.  我觉得他很崇拜你,你不该怎么做
  Sorry? Your sandwich  什么,你的三明治
  The mustard needs to go on the bread first 要先加芥末酱才对
  To form a moisture barrier between it and the tomato. 这样就能把面包和番茄隔开了
  Tear it down. Start again. 拆开,再重新来一遍
  Oh, my god. 噢,我的上帝啊
  You've never made a proper sandwich. 你从来没做好过一个三明治
  Or you're bossy. 或者是你太爱指使人
  You just love pointing out people's mistakes. 你眼里容不下沙子
  I thought that was a compliment. 我一直以为你是在夸我
  Good afternoon, Orlando. 下午好,奥兰多
  This is "Good morning, Orlando." 这里是《朝闻奥兰多》
  And let me tell you, Mey-Mey, 我告诉你,梅梅
  We are having an awful lot of fun here at no-co. 我们在今天的比赛上玩得超级开心
  Not really, Gus, but what can you do? 别装了,格斯,但还能怎样呢
  You got to go where they send you. 电视台让我们往东,我们就不能往西
  Now let's meet the judges 好了,来见见评委吧
  Who will be awarding the coveted golden stockpot 谁将会最终胜出,获得那令人垂涎的
  To the winner. 金牌汤锅呢
  Hi. Hello! It's us. That's right. 嗨,大家好,又是咱们,没错
  Not only are we reporting on the chili, 我们不仅是主持人
  But we're also judging it. 还是这次比赛的评委哦
  Ohh, things are about to get caliente! 噢,比赛越来越白热化了
  I see you brought your golden stockpots. 我看见你带来了金汤锅奖杯
  Ah, I only brought them to hold down my banner. 哈,我只是用它们来固定我的横幅
  Are you posing for a picture, Marvin? 马文,你是在摆造型准备拍照吗
  Oh, just in case someone wants to take one. 噢,我只是在做好被拍的准备
  Here you go. Ha. Thanks.  给你,哈,谢谢
  Mm-hmm. Official list of all your competitors. 嗯哼,这是所有参赛者的正式名单
  Good luck. 祝你们好运
  Wow, there's a lot of entries on here. 哇,好多入围者啊
  Big daddy Huang? 黄老爹
  That's not right. I'm Louis' five alarm. That's me. 不对,我明明是叫路易斯五级火警
  I'm big daddy Huang. 我是黄老爹
  What? -Sorry, dad.  什么,对不起,老爸
  I'm done being your apprentice. 我已经受够当你的学徒了
  We've been cooking for three days. 我们只在一起做了三天的辣酱
  Exactly. 没错
  And you didn't take a single one of my ideas. 但是你从来都把我的话当成耳旁风
  I'm not about that. 我的能力远不止如此
  I got to break these chains. 我要挣脱这些枷锁
  Fine, you want to make your own chili? 好吧,你想做你自己的辣酱
  Like the french candle says in "Beauty and the beast," 就像《美女与野兽》里的法国蜡烛人说的
  "Be my guest." “你请自便”
  Emery, go get us some tums from the tums tent. On it.  埃默里,去那边买点抗胃酸钙片,好的
  Let's sit down for a minute, okay? 我们先去坐坐吧,好吗
  I saw you at J.J.'s party. 我看见你在J.J的派对里
  I saw you, too. 我也看见你了
  You brought me there. 不是你把我送过去的吗
  No, I mean I saw the way you were talking to him, 不,我是说我看见你和他说话的样子了
  Bossing him around like that, 对他指手画脚
  Forcing him to start over, 强制他重新搭乐高
  Making him change his outfit. 命令他换掉衣服
  Oh. 噢
  And I know why. 我知道原因
  You're trying to be like me because you worship me. 你想变得和我一样,因为你崇拜我
  No, I don't. 不,我没有
  Yes, you do. I don't.  你不要否认了,我没有
  You do. You worship your mommy. 你就是的,你崇拜妈妈
  I am your shining star, 我是你夜空中最亮的星
  And you want to be just like me. 你一直想变成我的样子
  Why else would you boss your friend around like that? 不然你为什么老是指使你的朋友
  I don't know. 我不知道
  I guess because he listens to me. 我想是因为只有他会听我的
  What do you mean? 你什么意思
  No one at home ever listens to me. 在家里没有一个人听我说的话
  Of course we do. 我们都会听啊
  We listen to you. 我们听你说的话啊
  No, you don't. 不,你们没有
  After dinner, can we watch "Caroline in the city"? 吃完晚饭我们可以看《欢乐俏女郎》吗
  What? No way. 什么,才不要
  Dad, can I have your old briefcase? 老爸,我可以用你的旧公文包吗
  But you already have a backpack. 但是你已经有一个书包了
  I didn't have a briefcase until I was 30. 我到三十岁的时候才有公文包呢
  Huh? The Garfield. 哈,加菲猫
  Why didn't you tell me you felt this way? 你为什么不告诉我们你的感受呢
  Because you wouldn't have listened. 因为你们反正也不会听啊
  I guess sometimes it's hard being the youngest. 我想最小的孩子过得最艰难吧
  Hey. I know how you feel. 嘿,我知道你的感受
  Your aunt Connie never listened to me. 你的康妮阿姨从来不会听我的
  That's why her life is such a mess now. 这就是为什么现在她的生活过得一团糟
  I bought all the regular-strength tums. 我买了所有的温和型抗胃酸钙片
  Exchange them for extra strength? Yes. 把它们换成特强型的,好
  Where are all your measuring cups? 你的量杯在哪里
  Up here. Want a taste? 在这儿,想尝点吗
  What's wrong? 怎么了
  Eddie, that's delicious. 埃迪,很好吃啊
  There's no way you made this from scratch. 肯定不是第一次做了
  Gather around. Where's the intern? 大家都过来,实习生在哪儿
  I need another towel. 我还需要一条毛巾
  Ashley! 阿什利
  All right, everyone, 大家好
  Before we announce our finalists, 在我们公布决赛选手名单之前
  We have some unfortunate news. 有一些坏消息
  An entrant has been disqualified 一位选手因为使用
  For using pre-cooked meat. I knew it.  事先煮过的肉而被取消资格,我就知道
  That's right, Gus. 没错,格斯
  It's Marvin! 那位选手是马文
  Apparently, Marvin not only told us, 显然,马文不仅告诉了我们
  But fed us... 也给我们带了
  A whopper. 汉堡王
  I did it for the chili. 我这么做是为了辣酱
  Take him away. 把他带走
  I can walk. 我自己能走
  You all ate it and loved it! 你们都吃了,还很喜欢
  None of us are innocent. 我们没人是清白的
  And now let's move on to the three finalists. 现在宣布三位决赛选手
  First we have... 第一个是
  Louis' five alarm! 路易斯五级火警
  Yeah, Louis! Delicious. 路易斯真棒,辣酱很好吃噢
  next we have big daddy Huang! 下一个是黄老爹
  Whoo! 哇呜
  And lastly, Gloria's chili! 最后是格洛丽亚的辣酱
  Whoo! 哇呜
  Gloria! Gloria! 格洛丽亚,格洛丽亚
  And the golden stockpot goes to... 金牌汤锅赢家是
  Looks great, doesn't it? 看上去很棒,是不是
  I can't believe Gloria just gave it to us. 我不敢相信格洛丽亚直接把它给了我们
  Well, lucky for us, she thinks pride is a sin. 我们运气好,她认为奖品是罪恶的
  Hmm. 嗯
  You know, I have to say 我必须得说
  I was really impressed with your chili. 你做的辣酱真棒
  Really?! How'd you learn to do that?  真的吗,你怎么学会的
  I guess I just know food. 我想大概是我懂食物吧
  Thanks for teaching me the basics. 谢谢你教了我基本的手艺
  Oh, the basics? Okay. 基本的,好吧
  It has been brought to my attention 我注意到
  That Evan feels like nobody listens to him around here. 埃文觉得没人听他说话
  So tonight, he gets to choose what we drink with dinner. 所以今晚让他来选我们晚餐喝什么
  Really? 真的吗
  Why does he get to choose? 为什么让他来选
  You will all drink what Evan decides, and you will like it! 埃文选什么,你就喝什么,你们会喜欢的
  Okay, go ahead, Evan. 好吧,你选吧,埃文
  Anything you want. 想选什么都行
  I choose... 我选择
  Shirley temples. 邓波儿鸡尾酒
  Ohh.What is that? 噢,那是什么
  It's 7-up with grenadine and cherries. 加了红石榴和樱桃的七喜
  I don't have any of those ingredients, so... 我们没有这些原料,所以
  Then we'll just have passion fruit nectar. 那么我们就喝西番莲露吧
  Strawberry Fanta? 或者草莓芬达
  Ginger fizz-bit? 生姜气泡鸡尾酒
  Hi, J.J. Hi, evan. 嘿,J.J,嘿,埃文
  It's 362 days until my birthday. 距离我生日还有362天
  I'll time out my haircuts 那我不剪头发了
  So I can get one the day before. 我在你生日前一天剪
  Oh. What do you think? 喔,你觉得怎样
  It's a picture of my brother. 这是我弟弟的照片
  We can't have a dog because of his allergies. 我们不能养狗,因为他过敏
  I like it. Really? 我喜欢,真的吗
  You don't think there's anything I should change? 你不认为我应该做些改变吗
  No, it's great. 不需要,很好
  Nice hard backpack. 硬书包真不错