职场英文口语 第212期:提供求职建议(1)(在线收听

   Hello again. It's a difficult day at the offices of Tip Top Trading. 又见面了,今天是Tip Top Trading公司艰难的一天。

  The office assistant Denise is losing her job, and today is her last day. 办公室助理丹尼斯丢了工作,今天是她上班的最后一天。
  Anna is busy with her work and trying to get everyone to sign Denise's leaving card. 安娜正忙着让大家为丹尼斯的离职卡签名。
  Paul, have you signed Denise's leaving card yet? 保罗,你给丹尼斯的离职卡签名了没?
  No, not yet. Have you got a pen?"Sorry to see you go. 还没呢。你有钢笔吗?“很抱歉看你离开。
  Best foot forward. Paul." There. 祝你前途似锦。保罗。”写完了。
  I feel a bit guilty, it was me who got rid of her. 我有点内疚,毕竟是我把她解雇的。
  Yeah. Well, you should feel really bad. 是啊,你真该为此难过。
  I can't believe you're getting rid of her. 我简直不敢相信你竟然开除她。
  Tom, do you want to sign the card?Yeah, of course. 汤姆,你要给她签名吗?当然了。
  "You are…were…the best employee we ever had. 你是我们见过的最棒员工。
  So sad to see you go. Kiss, kiss, kiss. Tom."Gosh. Three kisses! 看你离开我很伤心。再此献上三个吻,汤姆。”天哪,三个吻!
  Erm, you haven't given me any money for her leaving present yet, have you? 对了,你还没给我买离职礼物的钱呢。
  Oh sorry, a bit of a cash flow problem… Here, have a pound.That's generous! 对不起,最近资金有点紧张。给你一磅。太慷慨了吧!