篮球英文堂 第134期:库里婚礼VCR 浪漫温情快溢出屏幕了(在线收听

   Ayesha, so excited for here today we get it finally here 阿耶莎,很高兴也很激动我们终于走到今天

  It is a dream come true both you and I 对我们来说,这感觉就像是梦想成真一样
  We gonna make each other better  以后的日子里,我们会让彼此变得更好
  We gonna live this life that gods blessed us with impact a lot of people 让我们一起享受着上帝祝福的生活,我真的很幸运
  We love each other, xx each other, so... 我们彼此相爱
  I love you, you know that, I always will 你知道我是爱你的,而且我会永远爱你
  And just get this thing going 让我们开始享受我们的人生吧
  Stephen, I love you so much 史蒂芬,我很爱很爱你
  I can't believe this is finally here 我真不敢相信这一天的到来
  Who would thought that three years ago we'll be here today 三年前,谁能想到我们终于走到了一起
  I just feel so blessed 我感到很幸运
  I just love you. I am very excited for a future and spend the rest of my life with you 我也很爱你,我愿意和你一起共度余生