篮球英文堂 第137期:科比深入分析 为什么勇士今年赢下骑士(2)(在线收听

   In this system the other players are constantly standing, waiting for the ball to come their way 在这个体系里,其他球员一直都站着,等着球传到自己手里

  This makes getting into a rythm diffcult, even for the greatest of shooters 这使他们能难进入节奏,即使对于最伟大的射手也是如此
  So if one of them misses a shot at the wrong time or if they turn the ball over at the wrong time 所以如果有人在关键时刻打铁或者在关键时刻失误
  A 5-0 run becomes 7, 7 becomes 10, 10 becomes 13 一波5比0的攻击可能会变成7比0,7比0变10比0,10比0变13比0
  All of a sudden what was once an 8 point deficit is now 21. Game over 突然间,8分的分差就变成了21分。比赛结束
  Yes. This system is the complete opposite of Golden State's democracy 是的。这个体系与勇士的团队篮球正好相反
  Yes. The democratic system may seem more fun to play than a monarchy 是的。团队篮球体系比单打体系更好看
  But this dual monarhy did topple the democracy in last year's finals 但是这个双核体系确实在上赛季总决赛战胜了勇士的团队篮球
  which means that more fun doesn't necessarily equate to a championship 这意味着打球好看并不能带来总冠军
  But the addition of KD has made Cleveland's margin for error so small 但杜兰特的加盟给骑士留下微乎其微的犯错余地
  that every little mistake can lead to a massive deficit or a back-breaking three 任何细微的失误会造成分差的扩大或者令人崩溃的三分球
  The two kings must run a practically perfect kingdom to have a chance 两位核心必须打出近乎完美的比赛才有获胜的机会
  Heavy is the head that wears the crown, long live the king 为王者无安宁,吾皇万岁