打工姐妹花第一季 第261期:遇到斯图尔特本人(在线收听

   That was awesome! Caroline, where are you? 太棒了,卡洛琳,你在哪里

  I'm almost dressed. 我快穿好了
  I just had the perfect in-your-face good-bye with Johnny. 我刚跟强尼来了次完美的当面告别
  And speaking of "in your face," he couldn't take his eyes off my boobs... 说到"当面",他当着我的面,还直勾勾盯着我的胸
  Boobs that he can never have, now that he's getting married. 谁让他要结婚,这对美胸从此跟他告别了。
  Damn, girl, you look good. What you doing later? Can I get your number? 靠,妹子,你真美,你晚点有活动吗?能给我你的电话吗
  Oh, no, the cupcake got a little smushed in my purse. 天啊,小蛋糕在我的包包有点被砸碎了
  We can't show this to Martha Stewart now. 我们不能拿给玛莎·斯图尔特了
  Sure, we can. You think she never had a cupcake smush on her? 干嘛不可以。你觉得她没被人用蛋糕糊过脸吗
  I doubt that very much. Martha Stewart is perfect. 我觉得没有。玛莎·斯图尔特是个完人。
  Her feet don't even touch the ground. 超凡脱俗,脚不着地
  The woman probably doesn't even go to the bathroom. 可能连厕所都不需要上
  Martha Stewart's hardly perfect. 人无完人
  And how are you this evening? 今晚过得好吗
  No, you're right, Martha Stewart isn't perfect. Oh, I never said that! 你说得对,人无完人,她也不例外。这话我可没说过。
  In fact, I hear she's a real ballbuster. You did not hear that. 其实我听说她超爱虐男人的。你什么都没听见。
  Yep, a real ballbuster, you know? No, I do not know. 真的,超爱虐男人,你知道吗?我什么都不知道。
  Would you mind handing me a towelette please? 能递块毛巾给我吗
  Oh, one's fine. Thank you so much. 一块就行,谢谢
  But the fact that Martha Stewart is so tough... 但就是因为玛莎·斯图尔特那么强悍
  Caroline, you need to get out here right now. 卡洛琳,你得马上出来
  The fact that she is a real ballbuster... Oh, dear God, help me. 那么爱虐男人。神啊,救救我吧。
  Is what I like and respect about her. I mean, the woman's a genius. 所以我才那么喜欢她和敬重她。那个女人是个天才。
  Now it's getting interesting. 越来越有意思了。