打工姐妹花第一季 第262期:斯图尔特的肯定(在线收听

   And besides, you can't really believe gossip. 而且,你不能听信传闻

  Look at all that hate mail I got with people calling me a bitch, and I'm not a bitch. 瞧瞧我收到的仇恨信,多少人骂我贱货啊,可其实我不是。
  Well, that's debatable. Martha Stewart, hi. Hello. 这有待商议。玛莎·斯图尔特,你好。你好啊。
  I'm Caroline, and this is my business partner, Max, and we have a start-up cupcake business. 我是卡洛琳,这是我的生意伙伴麦克斯,我们的小蛋糕生意刚起步。
  Dude, are you serious? You're still going for it. 妹子,你不是吧,都这样了你还不放手啊
  I know this is highly inappropriate, 我知道这非常不合时宜
  but we brought a cupcake here tonight in hopes that you might taste it. 但我们今晚带了个小蛋糕过来,衷心希望你能尝一口。
  So you want me to taste your cupcake in the ladies room. What's inappropriate about that? 所以你要我在女厕所吃你的小蛋糕。还有比这更不合时宜的吗?
  We're a start-up business. We've got to take risks. This is Max. She's the baker. 我们的生意刚起步,不抓住机会不行啊。这位是麦克斯,她是烘培师。
  You're the baker. I'm the baker. Hm, it looks quite appealing. 你是烘培师啊。我是烘培师。看起来蛮吸引人的。
  Oh, my God. I know this is a social event, so I'm so sorry for making it about business. 天啊。我知道这是社交场合,很抱歉把它弄得那么商业化。
  When you're in business for yourself, you have to take every situation as a business opportunity. 当你自己出来打拼事业时,你必须得把每一个场合都当作是商机。
  Look, I have five of these in here. 瞧,我还随身带着五本书呢
  I love your magazine. I read every single issue until they realized I didn't even go to that doctor. 我超爱看你的家政杂志。我阅读上面每一篇文章,直到我被抓到不是看病,只是去偷看杂志。
  Well, in spite of the fact that you have not yet washed your hands... 我要说一句,你至今还没有洗手...
  I was just changing my dress in there. I'll taste it. You will? 我刚是在里面换衣服的。我会尝一口。真的吗?
  I like your entrepreneurial drive. 我喜欢你的闯劲
  And I have a feeling that it's actually the only way I'm gonna get out of here alive. 而且我深深地觉得,只有尝一口,才能活着离开这儿。
  That is our beer batter maple bacon spring break cupcake. Hm, clever name. Thank you. 这是我们的酒混面粉加枫蜜培根的特制春假小蛋糕。名字不错。谢谢。
  It is a little smushed, though. That's unfortunate. I told you. 不过有点糊了,真可惜。我都说了。
  Mmm. Quiet tasty. I like it. Do you girls have a card? 蛮好吃的。我喜欢。你们有名片吗?
  Get it out, get it out, get it out. 拿出来,拿出来,快拿出来
  Ah, thank you very much. "Max's homemade cupcakes." 非常感谢。"麦克斯自制小蛋糕"。
  Well, you know who'd really like that cupcake? Stoners. 你知道谁会超级喜欢你们的小蛋糕吗?瘾君子。
  She said "Max's homemade cupcakes." 她念了"麦克斯自制小蛋糕"这名字
  Martha Stewart likes our cupcakes! Martha Stewart likes our cupcakes! 玛莎·斯图尔特喜欢我们的小蛋糕!玛莎·斯图尔特喜欢我们的小蛋糕!