英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable0602 - 叮咚!你的RT快乐速递到了!(在线收听

   Topic1-If we can live for 100 years

  A recent report claims that the new generation of babies could live to 100 years old! What would our world look like earth is populated by 100-year-old people. How realistic is it? Will humans be able to afford it?
  RT's Happy Place
  In our weekly segment called "RoundTable's Happy Place", we'll share what's made us happy this week.
  Topic2-Dormitory Damas’ heartwarming messages to soon-to-be graduates
  With graduation season in full swing, fresh college graduates have been sharing the most unforgettable events and people of the past four years.
  The long walks on school campus with classmates or maybe a loved one, all-nighters you pulled right before finals that could only be made possible with an extra can of Red Bull, the strict and demanding professors--seems nice and sweet. And something else that belongs on the list, that is - the dormitory managing damas and dayes! How have these older folks made college life better?