英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable0710 - 周杰伦网吧300块1小时,是梁静茹给的勇气吗?(在线收听

   Topic1-Do famous foreign brands lose its attractiveness when acquired by Chinese companies?

  On the opening of Davos Forum this summer, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said that while made-in-China products have acquired a sound global reputation, those products are still at the low and medium level in terms of quality. He also noted the Made-in-China 2025 strategy which aims to boost the quality of Chinese equipment with the application of intelligent technologies through cooperation with foreign partners.
  However, how are the foreign brands that have been acquired by Chinese companies doing? Are they gaining popularity or losing attractiveness?
  Topic2-Jay Chou's fancy Internet cafe-turned eSports venue
  Chinese pop icon Jay Chou, has partnered up with American venture capitalist firm, International Data Group, to establish the first flagship eSports venue under Jay Chou's own brand name Mojie eSport. Moreover, the venue has been touted as the first internet cafe under Jay Chou's brand. Will the super star glam be enough to pull gamers and internet users into a brick-and-mortar venue?
  Plus, is the 300-Yuan-per-hour fee too expensive for customers?
  Motivational Monday
  We share quote that's motivated us at the start of week.