英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable0727 - 论如何靠点菜吓跑相亲对象(在线收听

   Topic1-Fewer hours spent on the job

  According to a new survey, people in Beijing are spending less time at work than they did 20 years ago, also less time on leisure activities on weekdays. At the same time, more holidays have brought them more choices. Let's take a look at the report and see whether people's lifestyles have changed during the past 20 years.
  Topic2-Woman orders expensive shrimp and man leaves blind date
  The story of a woman ordering expensive shrimp during her first meal with a blind date, has triggered a heated discussion among internet users. The guy refused to pick up the tab and left the table.
  Topic3-Other people's kids, the Trophy kids!
  When we were kids, there's one girl or boy next door that we hated their guts! They are the same age of us, but according to our parents they were simply better. They score the highest in class and win all the contests. They are the trophy kids that our parents say in envy and admiration, "other people's child!"