英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable0823 - 便利店缘何不敌“夫妻小卖部”?(在线收听

   Topic1-Does China have real convenience stores?

  In today's china, where ecommerce has been eating into the market share of traditional retailers, the number of brick and mortar convenience stores continues to grow.
  However, an article published on Baidu's news commentary website, argues that China does not have REAL convenience stores.
  What makes a convenience store? Also, what about the traditional neighborhood stores, do they still have a place in today's retail market?
  Round Table, Heart to Heart
  We will air questions from listeners and answer them on the live show. Have your question been chosen? You'll need to listen to find out!
  Topic2-Most interns don't receive payment, but they still want the experience
  Summer vacation is peak time for college students to gain some work experience. Interns receive their first glimpse into the workplace. The really capable interns may even get a job offer after the internship ends.
  But if the company doesn't pay you, would you continue with the internship? Let's take a look at what the student interns have to say this summer.