乔布斯传 第321期:丽萨住了进来(3)(在线收听

   Her relationship with her father remained tumultuous throughout her college years.  她跟父亲的关系在她的大学时代一直不太平静。

  When she would come home, fights over small things 她就算回家,两人也会为了些鸡毛蒜皮的小事争吵不休
  what was being served for dinner, whether she was paying enough attention to her half-siblings--would blow up,  晚饭吃什么,她对她同父异母的弟妹们是否足够关心,等等。
  and they would not speak to each other for weeks and sometimes months.  他们会几个星期甚至几个月不踉对方讲话。
  The arguments occasionally got so bad that Jobs would stop supporting her,  有时争吵太激烈了,乔布斯会停止她的经济来源,
  and she would borrow money from Andy Hertzfeld or others.  她就跟安迪·赫茨菲尔德或其他人借钱。
  Hertzfeld at one point lent Lisa $20,000 when she thought that her father was not going to pay her tuition. 有一次,丽萨认为她父亲不会给她付学费了,赫茨菲尔德借了她两万美元。
  "He was mad at me for making the loan," Hertzfeld recalled, “他因此对我大发雷霆,”赫茨菲尔德回忆说,
  "but he called early the next morning and had his accountant wire me the money." “但第二天一早他就给我打电话,让他的会计把钱汇给了我。”
  Jobs did not go to Lisa's Harvard graduation in 2000. 乔布斯没有参加2000年丽萨的哈佛毕业典礼。
  "She didn't even invite me." He said. 他说他没有被邀请。
  There were, however, some nice times during those years,  然而,这些年里也有些美好的时光,
  including one summer when Lisa came back home and performed at a benefit concert for the Electronic Frontier Foundation,  例如有一年夏天丽萨回家的时候,参加了一场为电子前线基金会举办的慈善音乐会的演出,
  an advocacy group that supports access to technology.  这是一个支持走进技术的倡导性组织
  The concert took place at the Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco,  地点在旧金山有名的菲尔莫尔礼堂。
  which had been made famous by the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and Jimi Hendrix.  这个礼堂因感恩而死乐队、杰弗逊飞船乐队和吉米·亨德里克斯等曾在此演出而闻名。
  She sang Tracy Chapman's anthem "Talkin' bout a Revolution" ("Poor people are gonna rise up / And get their share")  她演唱了特雷西·查普曼的圣歌《说说革命》(“穷人会站起来/得到他们应得的……”)
  as her father stood in the back cradling his one-year-old daughter, Erin. 她父亲当时就站在后排,抱着刚一岁的女儿埃琳。