职场英文口语 第223期:如何坚持立场(4)(在线收听

   What will Denise decide?It was a hard phone call for Paul to make, but not one Anna should have made as it wasn't her mistake. 丹尼斯会作何决定呢?让保罗打这个电话是很艰难,但总不该安娜来打,毕竟这不是她的错。

  She stood her ground with Paul and used the following phrases. 她刚刚坚持自己立场,并用到了以下短语。
  You're the boss and I think the news is better coming from you. 你是老板,由你来打会更好。
  It was your decision in the first place so you need to explain that the situation has changed.This is your responsibility. 首先这是你的决定,所以你得自己把情况解释清楚。这是你的责任。
  And here is a reminder of the phrases Paul used to try and apologise. 下面是保罗用来道歉的话语。
  I've been rethinking our staffing situation in the office. 我一直在重新考虑办公室人员的配置情况。
  Sorry, I made a mistake.I miscalculated my staffing numbers. 对不起。我犯了一个错误。我把员工数字弄错了。
  I would love to have you back in the office. 我想让你尽快回到办公室。
  Hmmm… well… OK then.I'll start back tomorrow. 好吧。我明天就回去工作。
  Oh wonderful. I'm so pleased.We'll get your old chair back in position. 太棒了!我太高兴了。我们会把你的旧椅子放在原来位置。