美國流行口語 第152課(在线收听

今天早上 Larry 和李华和一对朋友 Charles and Lisa 约好了一起去打网球.李华会学到两个常用语: pumped 和iffy.
LL: I'm really pumped about today's tennis match. How about you, Li Hua?
LH: 你对今天的比赛怎么啦? Pumped?你是不是说你很紧张啊?
LL: No, I'm not nervous. Pumped means energized and excited. I'm looking forward to today's game because I think it will be a lot of fun.
LH: 哦~,原来 pumped 是很兴奋.对了, pump 不是也有打气的意思吗?你是说啊你打足了气,跃跃欲试的意思啰。
LL: That's right! What about you? Aren't you pumped about the game?
LH: 嗯~~,我是很期待这场比赛,不过啊,我可不敢说我像你那样 pumped.我啊对体育没有像你那么感兴趣。
LL: Yeah, I guess I get particularly pumped about sports. If sports don't get you all that pumped up, then what does?
LH: 我呀,我是一谈起旅行就特别兴奋, I'm pumped about travel.只要想到要去旅行啊,我就好兴奋喔.明年暑假,我计划要到温哥华去玩一个星期。
LL: You're pumped about going to Vancouver? What is there to do in Vancouver?
LH: 到那儿去干什么呀? 温哥华有很多美丽的高山啊,景色啊一定很壮观.还有那里的野生动物!我一想到啊有机会可以看到野生麋鹿我就特别兴奋吔. Yes, I'm pumped about going to Vancouver.
LL: Well, I guess people get pumped about different things. Personally, I don't get very excited about mountains and wild animals.
LH: 我知道,高山美景和野生动物对你来说啊没有太大吸引力.还不如在网球场上打球来得过瘾呢。
LL: Hey, tennis is fun and it's good exercise.
LH: Larry,刚才啊跟Charles和Lisa一起打网球啊挺过瘾的吔.对了,我差一点忘了问你,这个周末在麦迪逊广场花园有一场职业网球赛.你想去看吗?
LL: I don't know. It's iffy that we'll even be able to get tickets. Tickets for things like that sell out very quickly.
LH: 那倒也是喔,像这种热门球赛的票啊八成已经卖完了,所以你刚才说 iffy,就是指我们 “不太可能” 买到票,对不对? Iffy啊肯定就是从 if 这个词来的。
LL: That's right. If something is "iffy",that means that it is uncertain or even a little unlikely.
LH: 嗯,要是用 iffy 这个词来形容什么事的话,那就是不肯定、不太可能.不过,Larry,我们还是可以试一试嘛.没准运气好,还有票呢!
LL: Yeah, but even if I can get tickets, it's iffy that we'll be able to afford them. Tickets for games like that tend to be expensive, too.
LH: 你说门票可能很贵,我们可能买不起啊?Larry,也许他们有半价的学生票呢.我们试试看嘛,好不好?
LL: Sure, I'll call the ticket vendor this afternoon. But it's iffy that they have half-priced tickets for students.
LH: 没关系,如果真的买不到票,我们可以做别的事啊!如果我们不能去看职业选手打球,我们还可以找朋友去打嘛!
LL: Speaking of which, wasn't that last game fun? Do you think Charles and Lisa would play with us again?
LH: 对吔,跟 Charles 和 Lisa 打的那最后一场啊真好玩!
LL: But it's iffy that they'll want to play against us again.
LL:Can't you see? They were defeated by us every round. It's really iffy that they had any fun this morning.
  今天李华学到了两个常用语.第一个是: pumped,是形容“很兴奋、很有活力的样子”.另外一个常用语是: iffy,是指“某件事情不太可能”。

