国家地理:Family Feuds: Fire Ant Thievery 蚂蚁族仇(在线收听

This is a fire ant colony in the southeastern United States. Like all ant colonies, it's ruled by a queen and all her workers and warriors are made up completely of female offspring. Unlike other ants, fire ants seem to have almost criminal leanings. It's as if they wanna grow their colony into the biggest, baddest empire in town and they wanna do it now. And what a better way to accomplish that than, well, kidnapping. The queen's minions scour the neighborhood for other newly founded fire ant colonies and then pilfer the brood and bring the hostage larvae back to their own queen. It's hard to tell what an ant is thinking. But if you are running a kidnapping syndicate, you'd want enthusiastic workers like these men, they're into it. Sometimes one queen will even team up with another queen, so their colony will have the best chance of survival. That's really what it's all about, bigger colony, better chance for survival. The hitch is the colony will only let one queen survive, somehow the ants figure out which is their favorite. And well, get ready for more crime, the other is beheaded. The ants who did this may very well have sent their own mother to the chopping block. But, it's all for the sake of the colony, so it's ok. If, right?

leaning: (n.) An inclination, a tendency, or a preference. 一种倾向、趋势或爱好
bad: (a.)【俚语】Very good; great. 非常好的;极棒的
minion: (n.) An obsequious follower or dependent; a sycophant. 奴才
syndicate: (n) A loose affiliation of gangsters in control of organized criminal activities. 罪犯辛迪加
hitch: (n.) An impediment or a delay 妨碍或耽搁
behead: (v.) 斩首,砍头
