国家地理:Wild: Battle of the Bears 熊族内战(在线收听

A steep sided forest, rapidly narrowing as it descended, it was a place that immediately made Madison nervous.
It's a kind of place that just intrinsically leaves you feeling ill at ease because there's not much of an easy way to get out, once you get in.
Madison knew that Hudu creek was rife with bear activity and bears were David Madison's business. As soon as he reached the bottom of the drainage, he knew that something was wrong.
There was the stench of death, an incredibly distinctive kind of odor, almost a palpable thick odor.
Madison tracked the smell to its source. And that's when he saw it -- lying on the forest floor was a severed paw. It was sheared off just above the wrist. From the size Madison could tell it came from a large bear. The short claws meant it was a black bear, but where was the rest of it? No other remains were visible. Madison has spent most of his working life studying bears. In spite of the dangers, he pressed on.
1000 feet away, deeper into the drainage, he made another strange discovery.
There was a severed black bear's head. The body was nowhere to be seen. The bear's head was perched on a pile of debris surrounded by sticks and dirt, almost like a display.
One of the most macabre things I'd ever seen.
The removal of the head and paws was the sort of thing a big game hunter might do, but what sort of hunter would leave the most obvious trophies and make off with the body? There was only one logical answer, a hunter that wanted to eat it.

intrinsically: (adv.) Of or relating to the essential nature of a thing; inherent. 本质的
palpable: (a.) Easily perceived; obvious 明白的很容易察觉的, 明显的
macabre: (a.) Suggesting the horror of death and decay; gruesome 恐怖的,阴森森的
