国家地理:Family Feuds: Impala Turf Wars 领土之战(在线收听

A forest of umbrella thorn acacia trees in northern Tanzania provides shelter and sustenance for a wealth of animals. In this crowded paradise, property is hotly contested at all levels. Male impala, eager to challenge for a territory, build up strength by sparring.

The strongest male impala urges females to sample the trees in his exclusive territory. Teenage sons are not welcome. The male's breeding success depends on stamina and the quality of food in his patch. The better the local menu, the longer the female stay. Impalas must nibble because large thorns stop them from grabbing mouthfuls. And thorns are not the only danger.

Cheetahs are masterful hunters. But an impala herd has many eyes. With the cheetah spotted the herd runs and jumps away. Impala can leap 9 feet in the air to escape predators.

Once the danger is passed, the impala return and renew their struggles for territory.

acacia: 〈植〉金合欢
a wealth of: A great amount 很多的
impala: [动]黑斑羚
spar: To box, especially to make boxing motions without hitting one's opponent. 试招出拳
masterful: Given to playing the master; imperious or domineering. 专横的
