乔布斯传 第333期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(6)(在线收听

   He suggested that Lasseter watch some classic buddy movies, such as The Defiant Ones and 48 Hours, 他建议拉塞特看一些经典的兄弟电影,例如《逃狱惊魂》或《48小时》,

  in which two characters with different attitudes are thrown together and have to bond.  其中都有两个迥然不同的角色不得不同舟共济的故事。
  In addition, he kept pushing for what he called "edge,"  另外,他一直强调他所说的“尖锐”,
  and that meant making Woody's character more jealous, mean, and belligerent toward Buzz, the new interloper in the toy box. 这意味着胡迪这个角色要更有嫉妒心、更尖刻,挑衅巴斯这个游戏箱里新来的入侵者。
  "It's a toy-eat-toy world," Woody says at one point, after pushing Buzz out of a window. “这是个玩具吃玩具的世界。”一处情节中,胡迪把巴斯推出窗外后说。
  After many rounds of notes from Katzenberg and other Disney execs, Woody had been stripped of almost all charm. 经过卡曾伯格和其他迪士尼负责人的多轮修改,胡迪几乎被去掉了所有的魅力。
  In one scene he throws the other toys off the bed and orders Slinky to come help. 有一幕,他把其他玩具扔下床,还命令弹簧狗来帮忙。
  When Slinky hesitates, Woody barks, "Who said your job was to think, spring-wiener?" 正当弹簧狗犹豫不决的时候,胡迪吼道:“谁说你的工作是思考了,弹簧香肠?”
  Slinky then asks a question that the Pixar team members would soon be asking themselves: "Why is the cowboy so scary?" 然后弹簧狗问了一个不久以后皮克斯团队总会自问的问题:“这牛仔为什么这么可怕!”
  As Tom Hanks, who had signed up to be Woody's voice, exclaimed at one point, "This guy's a real jerk!" 正如给胡迪配音的汤姆·汉克斯有一次感叹的,“这家伙实在太讨厌了!”