听美剧学英语:《淘小子看世界》 I Dream of Feeny - 2(在线收听

There is a look.

Don't tell me. You've died and come back as a bat with a perm.

This Hindu Yoga position increases blood flow to the brain, thus maximizing concentration and cognitive performance. It's also quite a rush.

I am so nervous.

You? My palms are sweating so much, I can't read the answers I wrote on them.

I'm sensing an acute case of performance anxiety. No doubt brought on by complete lack of preparation.

Minkus? You can get all the As you want, it's still not gonna make you popular.

That's right, I can just hear you 10 years from now. People, people, how many times do I have to tell you if you save your receipts you won't have to worry about an audit?

And I can hear you 10 years from now. Your honor, dude, I'd like to plea bargain.

Geek master.


Good morning class, I am Miss Chase, your substitute teacher. Mr. Feeny will not be in today. He has taken ill.

Taken ill or faking ill, I mean the guy's never missed a day.

Maybe he heard about the school board's great deal on sick leave.

I'm afraid I don't have access to Mr Feeny's lesson plan. Can somebody please fill me in on what you're gonna do today?

Oh, Miss Chase, today we're supposed to take a geography...

Break! A break from geography.

And do nothing, but think about our lives and write a poem about them.

A short poem.

Two maybe, 3 lines tops.

And it doesn't even have to rhyme.

Is this true?


Great. My major at the University of Pennsylvania was poetry. Epic poetry. In fact my dissertation was on Beowulf, an 8th century poem written in 3200 lines of old English. Let's see if we can knock out the first 1600 lines before lunch, shall we?


Words & Information:

perm: If you have a perm, your hair is curled and treated with chemicals so that it stays curly for several months.
audit: When an accountant audits an organization's accounts, he or she examines the accounts officially in order to make sure that they have been done correctly. Audit is also a noun.
recidivist: A recidivist is someone who has committed crimes in the past and has begun to commit crimes again, for example after a period in prison.
tops: at most.