听美剧学英语:《淘小子看世界》 Pairing Off - 1(在线收听

Richard and Cindy.
Very deeply in love.
Since when?
Ah, Mr. Heckle and Mr. Jeckle. Don't we have classes to attend?
Mr. Feeny, shouldn't you break them up or hose them down or something?
Oh, I wouldn't interrupt their tryst, Mr. Mathews. They are both A- students and happily struck by Cupid.
So, if they were C- students, you wouldn't let them kiss?
School policy, don't you know?
So I can't kiss?
With your grades, Mr. Mathews, you can't even shake hands.
Just watch, Mr. Feeny, by the end of the year I plan to have an A+ average and the hickey.
Dare to dream, Mr. Mathews.
Holy cow, Jerry and Shoshona.
Has the whole world paired off?
Pretty much.
Is there a list posted somewhere where I'll find out what girl has been assigned to me?
You wanna a girlfriend?
No, not a girlfriend. Just a girl who is like a friend but not a girlfriend.
How about her? How about the new girl?
No. I mean I don't know her. Shut up. I want someone I know, someone who knows me, someone who we know each other, someone like, Topanga.
Topanga, my honey. May I call you honey?
Topanga, my girl, my friend, my girly friend. Believe me, I don't want this any more than you do, but everybody around here is pairing off and I think you and I should spare ourselves a lot of our corniness and walk through life together.
Cory, my dear little butthead, may I call you butthead?
I can't walk through life with you.
Is there someone else?
There is everybody else.
Why? We are already standing together and we look great. Oh, come on, work with me here.
Cory, when guys and girls go out, first they fall passionately in love, then after a week they hate each other. So for one great passion of a week we lose a friendship that could last a lifetime.
I am in if you are?
Cory, don't worry. I'm sure there's someone out there for you.
Give me a name? For the record, I dumped her.
That's how I saw it.

Words & Information:

Heckle and Jeckle: was a theatrical cartoon series created by Paul Terry, and released by his own studio, Terrytoons. The characters were a pair of identical magpies who calmly outwitted their foes in the manner of Bugs Bunny, while maintaining a mischievous streak reminiscent of Woody Woodpecker.
Cupid: The god of love; the son of Venus. 丘比特爱之神
hickey: A reddish mark on the skin caused by kissing, biting, or sucking, as in lovemaking. 吻痕
pair off: 成对而去
butthead: Person who thinks with his ass, as opposed to his brain as most normal human beings do.