绿箭侠第一季 第332期:密谋对付马尔科姆(在线收听

   I suspect I know what this is about.  我想我知道这是怎么回事了

  You and I got in bed with Malcolm to cure what ails this city.  我们跟马尔科姆同坐一条船,要铲除荼毒这座城市的东西。
  But I think you agree, killing thousands of people is not the answer. 但是我以为你同意,杀害成千上万的人不是解决问题的办法。
  Indeed. If we were to wage a war with Malcolm Merlyn, we will lose. 确实,但如果我们和马尔科姆·梅林斗,我们肯定会输
  My family has already suffered enough.  我家人受的苦已经够多了
  And I have no desire to endanger mine. Fortunately, there's another option.  我也不想我的家人们有危险。还好我们有另一种选择。
  6 months ago, Malcolm started buying up buildings in the glades 六个月前,马尔科姆开始在贫民区买地,
  through an offshore company called Sagittarius.  是通过一个叫人马座的国外公司
  And he made it sound as if this undertaking of his was a recent inspiration. 而且他还把他的这项事业说成是近期的突发奇想。
  If you're right, he has been thinking about this for months. 如果你是对的,这件事情他已经考虑好几个月了。
  If he can't rebuild it, he'll abandon the project. 如果他不能重建这里,他就会放弃这个计划。
  How much of the glades does he already have?  他买了贫民区多少地了
  About a third. Now, if we can quietly buy up the rest before he can, 差不多三分之一。如果我们在他之前悄悄买下剩余部分,
  he won't be able to gain the control he needs.  他的掌控权就会受到限制了
  We will need capital. Do you still have your contacts in China? 我们需要资金。你还和中国有联系吗?
  I already have a flight planned for Shanghai tomorrow. Come with me. 我正打算明天去上海。跟我一起去吧。
  We shouldn't travel together. Malcolm might get worried. He already knows I have my doubts. 我们不能一起去,马尔科姆会怀疑的。他已经知道我举棋不定。
  Besides, I'm getting the urge to take out the "Queen's gambit" for another voyage. 另外,我最近也想乘着"金牌奎恩"号再出海航行。
  Dad! Do you have any cash? Jerk pizza guy can't break a 100. 爸爸,你身上有现金吗?那个送披萨的家伙找不开一百的。
  Oliver, you remember mr. Chen?  奥利弗,还记得陈先生吗
  Waiting. Thank you.  他还等着,谢谢。