儿童英语读物 The Ghost of the Chattering Bones CHAPTER 5 The Bones Chatter Again(在线收听

Benny was checking himself out in the hall mirror when Mrs. McGregor came down the stairs in a peach-colored dress. “Doesn’t everyone look wonderful!” she said, smiling fondly at the children.

Henry Jessie, Violet, and Benny were ready for the potluck dinner. Jessie was wearing a watermelon-pink dress with pearly buttons. Violet had changed into a lavender T-shirt and pale blue skirt with lace pockets. Henry wore a blue shirt and black pants. And Benny had on a short-sleeved white shirt and tan pants.

Just then, Pam came out of the kitchen holding a covered dish. The cream-colored headband in her hair matched her dress. Norah, in a ruffled blue dress, was right behind her.

“Pam made pasta salad for the potluck,” Norah said proudly as they headed out to the car.

“Oh, do you enjoy cooking, Pam?” Violet asked.

Pam nodded. “I’m not very good at it yet,” she said. “But I’m learning.”

“Pam’s being modest,” Mrs. McGregor said as they pulled out of the driveway. “It just so happens I had a taste—and it was delicious!”

“It smells delicious!” Benny piped up from the backseat.

Pam, who was sitting up front between her great-aunt and Mrs. McGregor, turned around and smiled. “I’m making cookies tomorrow, Benny. You can help me decorate them if you want.”

“Sure!” Benny was grinning from ear to ear.

Pam was being very nice to Benny, Jessie thought.

“I was hoping Annette would join us,” Norah said as they drove through the peaceful countryside. “She doesn’t know a soul around here. I wanted to introduce her to a few people, but she said she’d rather work.”

“You certainly have a dedicated assistant,” Mrs. McGregor remarked.

Norah nodded, then she added, “By the way, if anyone comes across that tape recorder of mine, please let me know right away. Annette and I both use it for research.”

“You mean, it’s still missing, Norah?” Mrs. McGregor was surprised to hear this.

“I’m afraid so.”

“We’ll keep an eye out for it,” Jessie promised. And the others nodded.

“Oh, Pam,” Violet said, “speaking of lost things, are you missing a headband? A braided green headband?”

Pam whirled around. “Yes, did you find it?”

Violet nodded. “We came across it when we were out today.”

“That’s great!” said Pam. “It’s my favorite.”

The Aldens looked at each other. Pam said she never went into the woods. Why would she lie to them?

Just then, Norah pulled into the busy parking lot at the community center. “I wonder what everybody’s bringing for the potluck,” said Benny. He sounded excited.

“One thing’s for sure,” said Norah, parking in an empty space. “You’ll be stuffed to the gills by the time we leave!”

Benny jumped out of the car. “Let’s go,” he said, heading for the door.

Henry laughed. “When it comes to food, there’s no stopping Benny.”

Inside the packed center, people were already helping themselves to the hot and cold food set out on a long table. Pam went over to add her dish to the others.

“Wow, there sure are a lot of potluckers here,” Benny said as he looked around. “I hope they save some food for us.”

Jessie smiled at her little brother and brushed her fingers across his hair. “Don’t worry, Benny. I’m sure there’s plenty to go around.”

Norah put a hand to her cheek. “Oh, no. There he is again!” she said, keeping her voice low.

The Aldens and Mrs. McGregor looked at Norah, then in the direction she was staring. A man in gold-rimmed glasses was eating dinner at a small table in the corner. The man was Spence Morton!

“Never mind, now. We’ll just keep out of his way,” Mrs. McGregor told her friend.

Henry noticed that Benny was eyeing the buffet table again. “I think there’s still plenty of food there, Benny,” he teased.

Norah smiled at the youngest Alden. “Getting hungry?”

“Sort of,” Benny said, looking at her expectantly. “Is it time to eat yet?”

Norah laughed. “Go ahead.”

The Aldens quickly made their way over to the buffet while Norah and Mrs. McGregor mingled with the other guests. The children followed the line of people moving slowly around the table. After helping themselves to the different dishes, they carried their heaping plates to a small table and sat down.

“Mmm,” said Jessie, digging in. “Have you tried Pam’s pasta salad? It really is great.”

Henry nodded. “I’ll second that.”

“Don’t all look at once,” said Violet, “but Spence Morton has company.”

One by one, the other Aldens peeked over to take a look. Someone with gray streaks in her dark hair was sitting across from Spence. They seemed to be deep in conversation.

“Isn’t that Darlene?” Jessie said in surprise, trying not to stare.

“You mean the lady from the gas station?” asked Benny.

Violet turned around slowly to take another glance. “Yes, I think you’re right, Jessie.”

“I wonder what that’s all about,” said Henry

But they soon forgot about Spence Morton as Norah and Mrs. McGregor joined them, with Pam close behind. They all enjoyed a cheerful dinner together. Even Pam was all smiles.

Benny was just polishing off his second helping of chocolate cake when he spotted someone waving. “I think someone’s trying to get your attention, Norah.” He nodded in the direction of a man seated a few tables away.

“You’re right, Benny.” Norah smiled and waved, too. “That’s Bob Ferber. He did the work on my house.”

A young man of about thirty came over. He had sandy-colored hair and a golden tan.

“Good to see you, Norah!” He put out his hand. “And you, too, Pam.”

“How are you, Bob?” Norah responded, shaking hands. Then she introduced Mrs. McGregor and the Aldens.

“I’m afraid I ate too much,” Bob confessed, after saying hello to everyone. “I seldom get a chance to enjoy such great cooking.”

Norah smiled. “I hope business is going well,” she said. “I know it’s been quite a struggle to get it off the ground.”

“Oh, it’s not as bad as all that,” said Bob. “I’ll have my bills paid off soon—then it’ll be smooth sailing.”

Norah seemed surprised to hear this. “That’d be an amazing thing to do in such a short time.”

Changing the subject, Bob turned to the Aldens. “So, are you enjoying your visit with Norah?”

Benny nodded. “We’re solving a mystery,” he said, his eyes shining.

“Oh?” Bob looked startled.

“At least, we’re trying to solve one,” added Henry.

Norah laughed a little. “I’ll have to tell you about that mystery sometime, Bob.”

“Right.” Smiling uneasily, the young man glanced at his watch. “Well, now, just look at the time. Guess I’d better be off. Good luck with the old mystery, kids,” he said, seeming eager to get away.

Jessie stared after him, puzzled. Nobody had mentioned it was an old mystery. How did he know?

That night, after the Aldens had gone to bed, Violet lay awake thinking about Eton’s Loop. What in the world was it? All day they’d kept their eyes peeled for clues. But they’d found nothing that would help solve the mystery. Was the answer somewhere in the verse itself?

When last goes first,

and first goes last,

Eton’s Loop will show you

a clue from the past.

Violet, who knew the verse by heart, was repeating the lines to herself when she suddenly heard something. What on earth was that noise? What could be—wait! She recognized that sound!

Violet slipped quickly out of bed. She gave her sister a shake. “Jessie,” she whispered. “Jessie, wake up. Benny was right!”

Jessie sat up in bed. “What …?” Her voice was thick with sleep.

“I can hear water rushing over rocks!” Violet cried, rubbing her arms to take away the chill. “Listen.”

Jessie sat very still for a moment. Then she said, “Your ears must be sharper than mine, Violet. I can’t hear any—oh!”

Violet looked at her sister. “You can hear it, too, can’t you?”

Jessie nodded her head slowly. For a moment, she was too astonished to speak. But she quickly pulled herself together. She was out of bed in a flash. She went over to the window and looked out. All she could see was inky darkness.

“Do you think it’s true, Jessie?” asked Violet, who had just come up behind her. “Do you think that’s the ghost of the Chattering Bones?”

“I don’t know what to think,” Jessie admitted in a hushed voice. “But one thing’s for sure,” she added. “Something very definitely odd is going on!”

Violet looked at Jessie. Jessie nodded back. They were remembering their promise to Benny. It was time to do some investigating.

As they stepped out into the hall, another door opened. It was Henry and Benny.

“You were right, Benny,” said Violet. “We just heard it.”

“It’s the ghost of the Chattering Bones,” Benny stated. “Henry heard it, too.”

“I heard something,” Henry corrected as he led the way downstairs. “But that doesn’t mean there’s a ghost out there.”

When they got to the kitchen, Henry reached for a long flashlight that was hanging on a hook by the back door. Then he turned to his little brother.

“Are you sure about this, Benny?” he asked. “Are you sure you want to go out there?”

“I’m sure,” Benny said bravely.

With a nod, Henry opened the door and they filed outside. Closing the door behind them, they tiptoed down the creaky porch steps. Then, with the beam of the flashlight sweeping across the grass, they made their way closer to the bridge—and to the sound of rushing water. Then Benny suddenly stopped. He had seen something the others hadn’t.

“There’s somebody up there,” he whispered.

Sure enough, a shadowy figure was moving across the bridge.

Henry beamed his flashlight upward. “Who’s there?” he yelled.

As the Aldens gave chase, Benny suddenly tripped and went sprawling. The others waited while he scrambled to his feet. But when they raced off again, it was too late.

Whoever had been on that bridge had escaped.
